Saturday, January 30, 2021

Merijn's Chaos Dwarf host (208 points)

 Rank & File month #1

They used to say that the early bird catches the worm. Well, I say stay in bed until well after the sun chased off those blasted night goblins.

I'm doing a mixed Chaos Dwarf and green skin host this year. Both armies have that lovely zany vibe that I love so much about the 4th and 5th edition. Those big hats are pretty daunting to paint though so I'm easing myself in with one of my favourite units in the O&G army, squig herds!

What unit better embodies the sheer bottled chaos of the Waaagh than these angry mushrooms being herded about by a pair of loony night goblins who are clearly enjoying their vicious job? That's the thing I love about goblins really, they have absolutely no morels. Just look at those smiles, they're clearly fungi's.

I usually run much bigger mobs of goblins but in order to ensure I finish this challenge I wanted to stick with manageable monthly additions. And let's face it, at 20 points per squig, 200 points just doesn't give you mush room.

Anyway, I won't spore you any longer. I just want to say how glad I am to see so many other squig herds during this month by my fellow OWAC participants. They must be coming together to form a proper unstoppable horde.

So to my fellow greenies... remember guys, we are the champignons! This project is going to be a trip.


  1. That boxart is sweet! Great composition, it all works so well

  2. HA! They look great dressed in the box :) Inspiring stuff!

  3. I see bright red and bright green, and some throwback box art to boot! Count me the fuck in!

  4. The puns, though... you'll bring out the Savage Orc in me at this rate...

  5. Fantastic painting and fantastic idea!!!

  6. Love the box idea, and also love the puns, even if some people think you blewit there ;)

  7. By Cremini that's some lovely painting on those squigs! And yes I had to google that fungus related pun XD

  8. Oh, so cute! I thought that was a real box!

  9. Great idea with the box and painting the squigs and gobbos! Very oldschool, down to goblin green bases :-)


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