Saturday, January 30, 2021

Ratwig's Dark Elf Helldrakes - (318 pts)

Rank & File Entry #1 

For my first rank and file entry for this challenge, I present a unit of six Helldrakes with standard and musician, led by a Level 5 Hero. Yeah, I know, I changed out the leader from my initial post, as I felt the Level 5 leader better represented a Dark Elf from a unit of Helldrakes. Specifics:                            

6 x Helldrakes with Level 5 hero with hand weapon, light armor and shield: 313 points total 

Since Helldrakes are supposed to be inexperienced Cold One operators with a reduced (I) initiative, I used a preslotta Cold One leader as they tend to be smaller, representing a youngster whose family ties got him the job as unit leader. I also assumed the Cold Ones were young and made their tails blue which is a trait of young skinks from the US south east that I used to chase as a youngster. Their tails turn black or dark gray as they get older. I went with a greenish gray main color and a yellowish tan color for their bellies in addition to their blue tails.                                           

The standard was made from brass rod with copper wire wrapping at the top, a plastic skull on top and a heavy art paper flag. I tried to paint folds in the flag like ones I have seen on another person's work, but not sure if I'll do that again as it isn't as pretty as his. This figure was chosen for conversion as he was my only duplicate model in the unit.                                          

The musician was converted from a model with a crossbow. Since I wasn’t arming these with crossbows, I cut it off and replaced it with a plastic horn from the old plastic Dark Elf box set.


The remaining troops were made stock. It took me a while to settle on a shield pattern and finally settled on the spade outlined in white, which was on a shield in the Dark Elf section of the Warhammer Armies book.                                     


And that is my entry for January 2021.

Off to locate that bottle of Jack to self medicate against the zombie plague…

Ratwig out!


  1. Nice squad! Great job on the cold ones!

    1. Thanks! It took me a while to decide on a plain scheme for the cold ones after I looked at some way more complex ones on live lizards.

  2. Great work Scott! The shields and the banner just tie it together

    1. Thanks, the shields and banner were the last things I decided on for this entry.

  3. Nice work sir, a lot darker than my own efforts towards building a Dark Elf army. I put that down to my interpretation that the Dark elves were led to the dark ways by excess in all manor of pleasures!

    1. Thanks! I guess they just reflect my dark personality...

  4. Love the muted and dark colour scheme - very sinister! Basing the Cold Ones' colouration on immature skinks because they're ridden by Helldrakes is a nice touch - I've certainly had that problem before where the real life colour schemes I'm using as inspiration are a bit too complex for a 28mm miniature!

    1. Thanks! I'm pretty happy with the way they turned out in the end. I wasn't at first and almost painted them again.

  5. Great classic models! The colour scheme is spot on and the shields suit them well. Can't wait to see the rest!

  6. Lovely back story tongue youngster in command tonstylingbthe cold ones on immature skunks. Great skin tone too.


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