Sunday, January 31, 2021

Sam's 2nd Ed. Catachans - Musclebound Bonanza (136pts)

So, to kick off the challenge I wanted to do a traditional fully equipped IG squad. And in the nature of being even more traditional about it, I wanted to paint the exact squad from the Catachan box squad.

I already had a pretty clear idea of how I wanted to paint them in my mind and so I basically just winged it. There were a fair few things I’ve not done before in the mix, fleshtone, danger stripes and camo pattern being some of them, but I thought “fuck it I’ll just figure it out along the way”, and I’m happy to say for the most part it worked. The only casualty was my original basing idea. 

"Sarge, I appear to have erm gotten stuck in some custard!"

Originally, I’d hoped to do a tropical beach kind of effect, but long story short it looked shit, so I scrapped it in favour of more traditional “moist earth of the jungle” style, which also just so happens to somewhat coincide with AdamH’s so it’s a win all around.

The List:

Catachan Squad – 136pts

           Melta, Missile Launcher team

"Sarge, seriously, they gave us the fucking red guns again!"

I have to say I really enjoyed painting these guys. They are pretty much an eclectic mix of 80s and 90s musclebound action heroes. Each one really gives off that vibe, and I wouldn’t mind betting the Perry twins designed each of them after an action movie actor. Anyhow I'm pretty happy with the results and I think my enjoyment of painting them really helped (which is a good as AdamH always sets the damn bar so high!).

Next month will be more of the same to help flesh out the core of the force, so another squad, but with a slightly different sculpt/weapons composition.

Also I'm just about to move house, so with luck from next month (or maybe the month after) I'll finally be able to sort out the shitty pic situation.

Anyhow, good luck to all and looking forwards to catching up with all the months entries.




  1. Looking boss as always dude, can't wait to munch them down!

    1. They will be munched no doubt, luckily we can nuke it from orbit! (disclaimer: the scatter dice cannot be held to account and is equally like to hit your own troops)

  2. Fantastic work on those. Love tiger stripe camouflage.

    They were one of my first boxed sets so the nostalgia is real for me with them. Can almost hear the squeak of the polystyrene tray...

  3. Very old school Rambo looking! Great job!

  4. Never been a huge fan of these guys in the past but you're really selling them to me - definitely a squad of ultimate badasses! Lovely brush work and the camo is perfect.

  5. Brillant !! inspired by GW style but far better !

  6. ACE! Get to the CHOPPA! The concept of painting weapons with bright red..? Hilarious! Perhaps it was felt that it keeps them as toys and it looks good in photos...who knows?
    Your painting and baseing of them looks great.
    It's just a shame that back in the day you needed like a minimum of 40 or so to have a table legal army. The price of that (and the time it would take to paint them all) killed it for many players I think.
    Top work. Cheers

    1. Dude, I feel you. I tried to collect Tallarn back in the day, my parents bought me like £120 worth for my birthday and it was like 500pts tops. For BA and Eldar it would've been like 1000-1500pts. Now on Ebay though if you ignore the scalpers bide your time a bit and buy lots, most IG stuff is pretty cheap. Only problem I've got now is that I've got like 5 Captain models, lol

  7. Excellent work! I love the sight in the lasgun :) camo trousers with white vest. Tres classique!

  8. Everything about these is great :) The color choices are good, modest and smooth highlights. I think that two or three non-white fighters might really pay off and give off a predator movie vibe :) Whipping out some greenstuff to add sunglasses (or normal glasses) or Rambo hair would also be some fun choices :) The catachans didn't have many more rank and file poses, so these simple changes could really help ad variety if you have more squads on the way.

  9. Great stuff! I agree with Byron that a few non-whites, like a native american and black skin tone would look great. You guys will have to share the pics of this Nids-Guards fight!

  10. Got to agree about adding some non whites. Other than that from the damo to the bases these are fantastic.


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