Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Stonewall Street's Dwarf Detachment (140 points)

 Slow and Steady - Er....something about a race.

Rank & File month #1 

There's something in me that makes me the kind of person that likes entering a competition that I know I am unable to win. Either because of my lack of ability, my lack of connections or just simply because of my criticism of NMM as a "2D medium based around photography and 'like' harvesting".

As an actual 2d artist painting 2d metal effects on 3d models when actual metallic paints exist always makes me laugh, but each to his own. I have to do NMM on actual 2d pieces of art, so you'll forgive me for not also doing it on my hobby. Forgive me.

I was hoping to get 20 done.

I was hoping to photograph them properly.

But my backgrounds are in crates,

So I've done ten dwarfs. 

I've photographed them on the inside of an old black band T-Shirt.

The photos are dreadful.


x10 Dwarf Warriors: Light Armour; Shields; Crossbows. 14 pts. 

140 points,

I'm Alf Tupper.

I might run you all. 


  1. While not up to par with your usual (annoying) productivity, these look great. The shields make them.

  2. I also paint 2d chrome, and have had mixed results on figs. Not enough darks I think, LOL! Thanks! Beautiful dwarves and shields, BTW!

  3. a) It's fine, I will also be apologising this month.
    b) THANK YOU, I thought I was the last man on Earth, the only one left who shunned the #readyforthegram CMON house style chasing! We're wargamers, not photographers! Cast down the clickbait! GAMERS, RISE UP!

    (Mr. E has been invited to leave the premises.)

  4. Well, I don't do NMM and I suck at photography so you are not alone. The figs look great!

  5. Good to see you got your contingent done this month sir, as for only completing ten, who cares, it leaves more for next month.

  6. Nice models! I didn't know this range...

  7. I've always been fond of these miniatures, and you're doing a wonderful job on them. Stop apologising, these are a great start!

  8. I follow your artwork on instagram, and you can really see your 2d style come out on these dwarves. :)

    These dwarves feel very earthy and grounded. Very low fantasy :)

  9. Nice work, I look forward to seeing the rest.

  10. Proper Dwarfy Dwarves - very nice mate! Lovely basing too with the birch seeds(?).

    I presume the band on the T shirt is D-Rok or Sabbat?

  11. Classic, really classic, dwarfs. The shields are awesome!!

  12. It's not really a competition, and if it was I think the vintage of the models and taking your photos in an old black band shirt win you more than enough Oldhammer-cred to score high in this crowd. Solid painting too.

    You lose it a bit with the tufts, though. Should have just laid down some oldhammer sawdust on those bases. ;D

  13. These are looking really good indeed. Great work particulrly on the metallic metals and those normanesque shields - these are ace!

  14. More lovely, really old figures. Shields make em pop. I'm glad someone else can't see the point of NMM 😀

  15. Love these classic dwarves, great work on their shields! I'm also a fan of your basing :)


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