Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Tom's Bad Moon Orks (191 points)

Rank & File month #1

Artist: Tony Hough, reproduced here without permission. 

Here's a photo of the pic from the sourcebook WAAARGH ORKS. It's one of my favourites, and throughout this month I've been flitting between army list and army list, and even thinking of switching to fielding Blood Axes in order to paint a regiment of Necromunda Goliaths to wield as mercs.... Needless to say, I've been incredibly un-orky and stuck to Da Plan!


First things first - here's a piccy of all the models unpainted on the 1st of Jan, the newspaper as a timestamp. Rulez is rulez!

"Orkses is never defeated in battle. If we win we win, if we die we die so it don't count as defeat. If we runs for it we don't die neither, so we can always cum back for anuvver go, see!"
Commonly held Ork view of warfare.

All armies need bodies to feed into the grinder of war.

This month sees Da Boyz being painted up, although they are waiting for their mates who have a bigger guns - they should turn up sometime next month. 

In the meantime The Boys have managed to get the grots to wheel out a bigger gun to pull the enemy into their fire, as well as rounding up a few tasty snacks! Warring at their leisure 💪

And without further ado - some boys and a nob:

All da boys love a... Big Gun.

Which is crewed by two cravenly grots!

Ahh! Wook at dat wittle face! I'm very pleased with how the paint fell on him :) Please ignore that mould line - I know I can't see it from a foot or two away...

And where there are orky machines, you'll find a MEKANIAK tinkering away (and incidentally, I have always read that as mekanik, rather than what I presume the correct pronunciation to be, which would be similar to maniac. It's only taken 30 odd years to realise...) 

And what's a mob wivowt some tasty squigs eh?

This squig is fast becoming my favourite sculpt

This squig I think I may repaint at some point, but for now his warning stripes stand

The Runtherd send his squig hound to round up those two squigs. He'll be along later as part of The Warlord's Retinue

That's it for the first month of my OWAC Bad Moons. See you next month for some 'eavy weaponry - and a group shot of the ladz! 

INTRO (link)

120....Boys x10
13......Nob x1
40......Traktor Kannon
191 points

Squigs x3


  1. Wonderful job, Tom! Goes well with the ones you did at the squad challenge too!

    1. Nice one, cheers! I was a little worried that the squad challenge might sap my painting energies for this, but it has worked out well!

  2. The green and bright yellow just works, great job!

    Also today I've learned Orks don't have shoes.

    1. Ha, yeah - those bandages are the worst part to paint for me. I have given up on any idea of neatness, and it's just a straight Contrast wash from here on in!

  3. Nice start! Looking forward February!

  4. Great start! Looking forward February!

  5. God, there's so much texture on these metal lads! I'm loving the rainbow wires and dials on the Traktor Kannon too, great stuff.

  6. wow they look epic !!! Those faces !!! Very good job !

    1. Thank you! I think they're my favourite part to paint (faces), but it always feels like a bit of pot luck in how they come out. :)

  7. Another old favourite of mine and I really like your take on the Space Ork Raiders!

    Very jealous of your RT squigs!

    1. Thank you. I was fortunate to get three in a job lot which I didn't know about until I broke the box down and found them in the corner of a flap of cardboard (the previous owner had packed everything loose.
      Since then, I've kept my eye out for therm and amassed quite a few, but recently on eBay things have been bananas. Must be that lockdown yo...

  8. Replies
    1. The wonders of moot green! Shout out to savage_ork_guy 's instagram - she posted about it so that's how I brought GW paint again :)

  9. Love your post. Orks seems so great the way you painted them, so bright colors. Cool!!

    1. That's very kind of you to say :)
      I've tried to mix a little bit of fluorescent paint in there to make them bright. As times gone on I've neglected that a little, so I'll endeavour to keep doing it! Thanks again

  10. Nice vivid colors on some classic orks. I really like the bases as a contrast to the orks themselves. Awesome start to the challenge!

    1. Ahh, cheers - that's good to here. I really struggled with them as I thought that they were a bit too silmilar!

  11. Those orks are brutal, but the big gun and crew is what is truly mesmerizing. The gretching and squigs are amazing.

    1. Thank you! I'm not the biggest fan of painting warmachines - they're always a challenge, so it's great to hear this, cheers!

  12. Eyewateringly bright! I love it! especially like the pink contrast on the facial features and the black flames throwback

  13. Great old Ork models and a super, vibrant paint job!
    Keep it up! Can't wait to see more of them!

    1. Ah, thank you! I'm in the same boat to be fair - always seems like a bit of an accident how they turn out 😂

  14. I absolutely love these figures, takes me right back to RT. Funnily enough I have no memory of them not having boots. Obviously I just ignored that!

    1. Ha! Yeah - I try to ignore it too. I dislike painting those feet wraps. For now it's a straight Contrast paint heavy wash. Maybe they see a highlight, but only if I'm feeling good!

  15. Oh these are just lovely! Great job doing the characterful faces, I like how you'be highlighted the green skin towards flesh colour. Plus the bright colours, the yellow and black contrast really makes them pop. Looking forward to see the rest of your army!

    1. Thanks Maciek - bold and bright was what I was aiming for, and it's super nice to hear your comment echo that! Cheers!


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