Monday, March 1, 2021

JohnR's 252 points, not bad for an evening's work.

Rank & File month #2

 I'm kidding of course.

Actually this month was a bit of a slog so I'm pretty happy to have added 22 mini's to the army:

It helped that the crossbowmen were started in January :)

These comprise the bulk of the army's missile troops and are used as skirmishers, or to support the infantry blocks in battle. As such they don't have their own command groups, though I might add these later.

10 Tilean Crossbowmen (+2 missile elite), light armour and crossbows: 120 points.

12 Estalian Bandolleros Gringos (+1 missile elite), light armour and handguns: 132 points.

Total: 252 points

Onward and upward, bring it on March !


  1. I especially like the Gringos, very Thirty Years War, one of my favourite historical era

  2. Though month but you just painted two entire units! The variation in the clothes using the army colours looks nice.

  3. Excellent work, you're making me want to build Estalians as my next project!

  4. Successfully both individuals and yet still obviously units. Very inspiring.

  5. I like the look of those a lot, well done sir

  6. Great looking, and a lot of figs for February!

  7. Really cool. Love the "unusual" humans army.

  8. These chaps look a capable lot! Lovely work!


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