Sunday, March 21, 2021

Tom's Bad Moon Orks (323points)

Rank and File month 3

Fist things first - a nice banner pic:


This month sees me struggling a bit, but fortunately I've managed to paint a few models in the previous months which will boost me through March. I also traded and brought some extra orks... Most of these were traded with hero David - a stand up guy who lives a few streets away who had seen I was painting orks on Instagram and got in touch :) 
The Weirdboy, runtherd and freebooters were an auspicious eBay find, especially as I think the runtherd is a rarity...

So, anyway - straight up: some heavy weaponry!

Heavy Bolta #1

Heavy plasma

Heavy Bolta #2


I get the feeling some of these were very recent eBay finds that I did not snap in front of a timestamp. 😬 Anyhow:

Weirdboy and Minders

Here's the first of the Minder Twins..

And the second:

a bit gutted I didn't fill in the gap between shoulder and arm, but hey - he's painted. (And visibly pinned!)


I love those squigsnacks! And, what self respecting Warphead with a penchant for squigs wouldn't have a snot server?

Bad Ork Freebooters

Ork #1

I took ages deciding whether or not to do those polka dots.. Here's a pic of him without. I thought he just looked like he had painted the top of his head blue...

Ork #2 His brother, I guess...

I like that he's shading his patch vision from the sun... I'm super undecided whether to add a circle of black to the plasma pistol for a nozzle?

Ork#3 - in a fetching stripey jumpsuit...

Posting this pic, I can see that I've neglected to paint the bracelet yellow. I recognise my failing and will be sure to corr...wait. What?

A Bad Mek

This guy and the Dok have become my favourite pair of orks. So much so that I think I'm going to include a unit of bionik boys (as well as those freebooters above),  under their banner. This basically means stripy trousers for everyone!

The Bad Dok hisself

Bad Ork Bionik Boys

As said before, I'm loving the feel of the renegade Bad Ork, and these boys will be taggers along to the main unit of freebooting bad orks. Most of them should sport bioniks to fit the theme, but I guess those without 'improvements' may well end up having a nasty accident, which will surly require the Dok and Meks speshulist skills....

This guy 👇 isn't the brightest of the bunch. In exchange for a big gun, he's joined the squad...

Here's a boy with one of the Doks early eye pieces. Needless to say his skillz have improved since then!

This metal trousered guy is the pinnacle of the Dok and Mek partnership...


This little guy is an epic scale gobsmasher, and will be a filler in the runt/squigherd

Here he is for scale against Sam Nash's epicast homage, which I painted before the OWAC.

And annuva squigherder! Some juice in his beard...

Sooo, that just about rounds off March :)
I'll be heading back to 100% full time work in April, so my painting may be a little negatively impacted but fortunately April will see the Warlord post - which is just him and his retinue. May will be Machines (which isn't that many I'm afraid), and then the plan is for June to be the last rank and file month as hopefully I'll have gotten used to the work schedule again!

I'll leave now, but first here's a group shot of March's BOYS! (Better pics at the end of June)


(Proposed army list)

(Rank and file month 1)

(Rank and file month 2)

(Rank and file month 3)

Heavy bolta - 20
Heavy bolta - 20
Heavy plasma - 36

Boys x5 - 50

Weirdboy - 85

Freebooter Bad Dok - 18
Freebooter Bad Mek - 18
Freebooting Bad Boys x 3 - 36

Bionik Boys x4 - 40

total: 323

Minders x2 


You've made it this far!
Here's a list of the paints I've used so far on all the boys:

GW Layer - I love these five paints!
Trollslayer Orange
Flash Gitz Yellow
Baharroth Blue
Wild Rider Red
Moot Green

GW Contrast
Levadon Blue
Terradon Turquoise
Warp Lightning
Skeleton Horde
Flesh Tearers Red
Apothcary White

Menoth White Base
Cygnar Blue Highlight
Coal Black

Vallejo Model Colour
Gunmetal Grey
Polished Gold

Vallejo Game Colour
Smokey Ink

GreenStuff World
Black Stallion
Crackle - Martian Earth
Fluorescent - Violet 
Fluorescent - Pink
Fluorescent - Orange
Fluorescent - Blue
Fluorescent - Lime
Fluorescent - Orange Yellow
Fluorescent - Red

Here's a LOT of pics as a bonus. Hopefully you can click through them and it'll read a little bit like a stop motion paint :)


  1. Wow! I love your orcs, and the photos!

    1. Thank you! I think at 96 photos it might've been a bit much 😂

  2. What a beautiful gang of Orks!! Great write up also!

    1. 🤟 Nice one, cheers. I always think I've messed it up with words. I love all the challengers who write background fiction for their models, but it's something I find really very hard to do... I also like all the 'history of models' posts, with designer/sculpter credits and everything, but again I find it hard. I try to spam the hell out of the pics instead!

  3. Replies
    1. waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagggggggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Well done sir, particularly like the detail of fingernails!

  5. Cheers! I'm really lucky with them I think. It's just a white undercoat followed by the fluorescent orange... :)

  6. I look forward to seeing your Orks every month and you don't disappoint. Fantastic as always!

  7. Nice step by step. Funny to see you changing mind, and suddenly replacing pink by yellow :)

    1. Ha!
      Seriously though, the pink as an underpainting to yellow has been a game changer. Really I should be drybrushing white onto the pink to create a kinda highlight for the yellow, but that's one too many extra steps!

  8. Beautiful work as ever! Your favourite Bionik Boy is one of my faves too - ever since I spotted him in one of the Golden Demon features in White Dwarf back in the day. The Epic Gobsmasha is a clever little touch.

    If only the painting guides in White Dwarf included as many steps as you did - I might have learnt how to paint quicker XD

    1. ha! I rememner pouring over those three step pics in the army books/white dwarf for ages trying to marry the 2nd step with the finished product! Always far more than one step...

  9. Another great month's efforts! These are real eye candy and the colours are ace! This army is going to look amazing!
    The pink really seems to work well as an undercoat to the yellow. I'm going to give that a try!

    1. Cheers! Yeah, the pink is (for me at least) a game changer! Good luck :)


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