Monday, May 3, 2021

Quin’s Lizardmen of the Black Marsh - Slaves and Lizards (555 Points)


“Oggh” a voice calls out into the night. “Oggh Oooh,” a separate voice called back. The two primitives cautiously approach each other, until they recognize one another. A group of cavemen are feasting on berries and other nutrient filled plants when a third voice calls out “Ooooogh AoooGG,” the Neanderthals pick up their makeshift spears and crude clubs to defend themselves when out from the bushes jump an ambush of wild cats. Luck was on the side of the cavemen as they outnumbered the cats and defeated them with minimal loss. Cleaning their wounds from battle, a patrol of lizardmen quickly arrive to the situation, where they force a few cro-magnon to carry the freshly killed giant cats back to the den of the insidious Umbraxakar, where the cave-slaves were never heard from again.

Meet the Flintstones

 I present my third rank and file month - the human slaves! Leading the savage Neanderthals to battle is a duty of Umbraxakar’s priestess, a spiritual godhead keeping watch over the slaves while inspiring them with her fantastical magic and charm. She will be counted as a level 5 human wizard accompanied by the Bonesnapper, a cold one warhound gifted to her by the shadow lord.

FF-45 (v2) Cavemen w/ Clubs

FF-45 (v2) Cavemen w/ Clubs

FF-45 (v2) Cavemen w/ Clubs

FF-45 (v2) Cavemen w/ Clubs

FF-46 (v2) Cavemen w/ Spears

FF-46 (v2) Cavemen w/ Spears

FF-46 (v2) Cavemen w/ Spears

FF-46 (v2) Cavemen w/ Spears

FA-28 Amazon Priestess

FA-28 Amazon Priestess

FF-13 (v1) Bonesnapper

FF-13 (v1) Bonesnapper

FF-13 (v1) Bonesnapper

This month I’ve also included a unit of lizardmen equipped with hand weapons and shields, led by the voracious Farang Gix equipped with a double handed weapon. With the extra time from last month I was also able to convert some additional lizards into standard bearers and musicians to compliment my two units. Sitting through my bitz box I found some fitting tomb kings pieces, alas my sculpting skills are not up to snuff and as I attached these to be sculpted over to match the scales on the rest of the lizards. In the end I decided to just paint them with skeletal arms! I assume they found some sort of cursed aztec gold and spent it unwisely, ultimately leading them to this fate. 

Lizard Warrior #8

Lizard Warrior #8

Lizard Warrior #3

Lizard Warrior #3

Lizard Warrior #3

Lizard Warrior #3

Lizard Warrior #7

Lizard Warrior #7

Lizard Warrior #7

Lizard Warrior #5

Lizard Warrior #5

Farang Gix

Banner #1

Banner #1

Musician #1

Musician #1

Musician #1

Musician #1

Banner #2

Banner #2

Banner #2

Musician #2

Musician #2

Point Values:

10 Slaves - 4.5 points each (45) 

Level 5 Priestess - (60)

Cold One Warhound - (8)

2 lizardmen Standard Bearers - 40 points each (80)

2 Lizardmen Musician - 40 points each (80)

7 lizardmen w/ hand weapons & shields - 22 points each (154)

Level 10 Lizardman Farang Gix the Skullbreaker - (128)

April Total - (555)


  1. Productive month! I especially like the cavemen!

  2. I like the banners especially, great month!

  3. Heck, why didn't I think to include a Bonesnapper or two in my lot! Love the cavemen, and the lizardman command conversions look great too

  4. The cave-slaves with their Amazon Priestess and her pet Bonesnapper are a fun addition to vary up your Lizardmen army! The Tomb King bits fit in well and those little guys really suit the pinks and purples you've chosen for them.


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