Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Iannick's Red Templars Wrap-up

 Well here it is, the end of the line! And another OWAC project completed from yours truly. Woo!

It was a fun ride, although a very different ride for me. Painting 40K, something I hadn't done since the early 90s when I was listening to to Guns N' Roses and drinking copious amount of Mountain Dew, was a completely new experience. 

What did I learn? Well a few things :

1. I'll admit I cannot understand how people can paint huge armies of Space Marines. I was pretty burnt out by the end of it. So monochromatic! 

2. Remind me to never do a project that involves massive amount of edge highlighting

Still, I'm super happy with this force, I'm going to use it for sure (I'm coming for your purple false marines Blue). It was clearly an "out of my comfort zone" project, and I like to push myself here and there, so success!

The completed force. Yep, all infantry. No shortcuts, pretty proud of that fact.

My original list looked like this :

- Lieutenant Commander Martin (Major Hero) : 94 pts
- Lieutenant (Minor Hero) : 50 pts
- Chaplain (Champion) : 19 pts
- Librarian (Epistolary) : 50 pts
- 2 Techmarines : 34 pts
- 2 Medics (Champion) : 68 pts
- 3x Tactical squads : 750 pts
- 1x Terminator squad : 450 pts
- Terminator Captain (Hero) : 150 pts
- Contemptor Dreadnought : 201 pts
- Conqueror Robot : 160 pts

So, what did I painted?

The Terminator squad and hero

First Squad

2nd Squad

3rd Squad

The Medics

The Techmarines

Standard bearer and Captain

The Librarian

The Chaplain 

So the final list looks like this :

- Lieutenant Commander Martin (Major Hero) : 94 pts
- Lieutenant (Minor Hero) : 50 pts
- Chaplain (Champion) : 19 pts
- Librarian (Epistolary) : 50 pts
- 2 Techmarines : 34 pts
- 2 Medics (Champion) : 68 pts
- 3x Tactical squads : 750 pts
- 1x Terminator squad : 450 pts
- Terminator Captain (Hero) : 150 pts
- Contemptor Dreadnought : 201 pts
- Conqueror Robot : 160 pts
- Terrain !

So basically I managed to paint almost everything I wanted, minus the robot and Dread. I'll probably have to paint these two one day to round out my force. But still, pretty happy with my focus.

And here's a few extra pics of the boys in action amongst the ruins of Fortuna III :

And the mandatory Warhammer Armies pose pic

So, next year? Nothing concrete yet, but in all probability, I expect to be back in the Old World. I missed the units.

And so this conclude this edition of the OWAC, our fourth and without a doubt our best, both in terms of numbers of participants and quality of armies and entries. It was spectacular (and also very demanding from yours tuly, I probably reached my participants limits!) Congratulation to all participants who managed to finish the challenge, let's do it again next year!


  1. Congratulations ! And glad to read that you're in for a fifth season :)

  2. Outstanding work, and I get the burnout - taking a break from painting green skin has been nice! Also, I think I need to grow a beard for next year's OWAC...

    1. Thanks! All the vetetans are growing one, its so hot right now!

  3. Classic marine goodness. It may have been a slog to the finish line but you have a beautiful army to show for all the tedious work.

    1. Thanks. That's the goal indeed! And its a more than playable force

  4. Well done sir, you almost looked pleased to be at the end of another challenge, in that last photo.

  5. Replies
    1. Thank you Lissanne, means a lot coming from one the OWAC royalty ;-)

  6. All that, and keeping us in line, too! 😃 (it's hard to build variety into a Marine force, perhaps more than most armies? Painting them bicoloured was the best I could come up with!)

    1. Definitely harder. The thing is: your specialists and heroes are basically the same as your normal guys, if but small details.

      Bicoloured is a wise decision. Red is also a demanding colour. But hey, I manage hey! Now its all reward

  7. Your work was definitely worth the effort! What an amazing batch of space marines you’ve got now! Congrats on making it through another challenge & thank you for keeping things running smoothly!

  8. Looking almost as sharp as those edge highlights of yours!
    Congratulation on both organising and completing another great OWAC!
    That's a super looking Marine force you built up. I'm impressed that you managed to wade through all that infantry. The effort was definitely worth it! I particularly like the Chaplain. And those transfers definitely added an extra level of detail and are a great finishing touch.
    Looking forward to the next OWAC already!

    1. Thanks Graeme. I managed to keep those edge highlights smooth, because at one point I was like : why not Iannick? Why not half ass those highlights ;-)

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. Sharp, impeccably neat and very snazzy - your Marines aren't bad either 😉

    A stirling job considering you had us lot to shepherd through the challenge. Huge congratulations and thanks for all your hard work! Looking forward to the next one!

    1. Aaaah you're gonna make me blush ;-)

      Thanks, much appreciated

  11. Congratulations on this excellent force Iannick! They look excellent. I know the painting of Space Marines, with all of the edge highlighting etc. is not for everyone, so well done on pushing your "comfort zone". What a fine project!

    1. Thanks Greg! Quite happy to have a playable 40K force. Hopefully we'll get to face off one day!

  12. Very nice figs! And you look good in those hobbit clothes too!

    1. Hahaha thanks, that's a compliment...right?!

  13. They look perfect all together, a genuine 2nd ed space marines army !!

  14. Beautiful army, those deep reds are excellent! The tedium of edge highlighting has paid off. The white heraldry and the light grey ruins really makes them pop! Great job - both painting and "overlording" us at the same time ;-)

  15. A perfectly cohesive and great looking force! All Hail the OVERLORD!!!

  16. Man, those pictures with that terrain - it looks flipping immersive, in that bright, neatly cut lawn kinda way. Love it!

    Congrats on beating the grind, those little details that take the effort were sooo worth it.
    Catch ya next year! 💪

  17. Hello Iannik! I jsut discovered your blog, so nice oldies!!
    I found it becasue I am looking for 2 years to find the 3 lizardmen citadel C19 that are still missing in my tribe.
    I noticed a post in decembre 2020 where an oldhamemr lizardmen army was disclosed and inside... there is one of the missing lizardmen!! I will be happy to swap it against 2 or 3 minis of the same series C19 or other oldies (marauders orcs, tom meieris trogoldytes, nick lunds goblins ....) , or even buy it . Could you help me to contact the owner of the army if it is not you ?? MANY MANY thanks,
    Gilles from france,

  18. I also own plastic skeleton army box with plastic chariot, horseman etc.. i noticed you painted a skeleton army box. May be you could be interested by new some sprues?


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