Monday, January 31, 2022

Quin’s Rainbow Vale - Orcs Banned in DC (569 Points)

Rank & File Month 1

Not long ago, when things were slow

We all got by with what we know

The end is near, hearts filled with fear

Don't want to listen to what they hear

And so it's now we choose to fight

To stick up for our bloody right

The right to ring, the right to dance

The right is ours, we'll take the chance

At peace together, apiece apart

A piece of wisdom from our hearts


    “Huh?” An enormous voice bellows out in the night. The rattling of a shoddy wooden frame awakens the giant Bilidum. Frustrated, he lunges from inside his cave to confront the rabble disturbing him, “Wot ar’ you lot doin’ wit’ dat manscrampler at dis time o’ night?” “Ay we’ goin’ ta raid som pointy ears! Wonna ‘elp?” a much smaller voice calls back. “I’ll git my beatin stik!” Bilidum roars excitedly. The mosh of orcs trod forward, pushing their war machine as their newly recruited giant runs to catch up with them, his giant footsteps echo through the forests and arrows begin to fly from the trees into the crowd. Quickly the gang gets to work, loading rocks into the trebuchet and flying arrows while Bilidum starts knocking over trees. A dozen elves are decimated and the survivors begin to retreat, seeking reinforcements in a nearby fortress. Before they are able to make it to the safety of the fortress the frenzied mob catches up to them, where they are demolished by the flailing orcs and crushed by their enormous spiked wheels. 

    Inside the elven keep, up in the trees above the carnage below, the guards hear a voice.

And then many voices, chanting in unison,

“We got the PMA!

We got that attitude!

Don’t care what you might say!

We got that attitude!”

Rocks begin to crash through the wooden walls of the small elven fortress. Before the elves could notch a single arrow, the structure in the trees collapses and the elves are slaughtered. Another evil cleansed from these woods.

  It’s been a busy start to the year for me but I managed to complete this Ral Partha Orc/Goblin War Machine sculpted by Tom Meier as well as a unit of savage orc archers from the ORC2 range and my first Giant for the year. This lot will makeup almost the entirety of my armies ballistics, only withholding the boar archers that accompany the orc chieftain.

Savage Orc Archers, from the ORC2 range.

ORC2 Savage Orc Archers w/ Clubs

Savage Orc Archers, probably the most common sculpt of the range.

These two are C15 Orc Villagers “Archer” & ”Shaman”

Savage Orc Standard Bearer, perhaps carrying a visage of the elven kingdom in ruins.

Level 5 Savage Orc Hero

Another group shot, this one with the backside of the banner

Man Mangler from the Front

Man Mangler from the Side

His arm fell off moments before our photo shoot, I will likely have to pin it back on to fix the break, as it’s its a pretty heavy bit.

-15 savage orcs w/ hand weapons, shields & bows 7.5 points each (112.5)

-Standard Bearer with shield, hand weapon & bow (14.5)

-Level 5 orc shaman (63)

-Level 5 savage orc hero with hand weapon, shield & bow (36)

-Orc Manmangler (93)

-Ral Partha Hill Giant Billidum (250)

Total For January (569)

Until next time,

From the sewers.of.estark


  1. Oh I like that little lot, you've done yourself proud, great job.

    1. Cheers, thanks Paul! More goodies to come,, I’m thinking more big guys next time.

  2. That man-mangler is something else! Very cool.

    1. Cheers! Glad you enjoy it, I know I enjoyed painting that slab of bone.

  3. That's a whole lot of figs! Love the Man Mangler!

    1. Thanks Lissanne!
      Meier’s work is always lovely to paint, this was no exception 😁

  4. Big start! I love that war machine, it's the last model I painted for my own Orc army.

    1. Cheers! Thank you!
      I’ll have to take a look at your work on it sometime :)

  5. Love the savage Orcs! The regiment has a proper old school 80's vibe. The basing is also really nice!

  6. Lots of figures and that's a fantastic banner!

  7. These guys are great but that Man Mangler rules.

  8. Impressive start, that Man Mangler is awesome! Shame about your giant :/

  9. Way to go for the first post. The orcs look orcsome!

  10. Lovely big block of classic Savage Orcs - fantastic! The War Machine and Giant are great too - very productive start!

  11. Fantastic work. So many lovely keV Adams sculpts this time round.

  12. Dat iz wun propa mob of arrer boyz! Awsome looking unit and lovely models. Great output already in a first month!


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