Friday, March 25, 2022

MARCH: Tom's Space Orks (R&F month 2 of 4): 199points

A glory shot of all The Glory! I am so pleased  to have painted all the freebooters :)
(here's a link to last years orky OWAC: link)

Eeerrgh! Most of this month was me putting off painting the bikes and not painting anything else because I need to paint the bikes. Anyway, motivation for them has deserted me, so I leave a half painted trio of minis and swap them out for something a bit more fun. 

Fortunately, I'd already made a start on these Freebooters during the previous months in preparation for such an eventuality so the pressure of the bikes is alleviated pushed on to next month 😬


A happy lil bolta boy - sporting a reconditioned space marine bolta...

A boy with his pride and joy - a plasma gun! Arguments about whether the heavy plasma is better caused this boy to once lose his cool, and unfortunately, his eye as well.

A khorne boy. He has an affinity for red and his stubgun (which makes a satisfyingly loud bang). Not as satisfying as the squishy noise the 'umies make when caught in his power fist...

Just red trouser stripes for this boy. I feared a wider strip would somehow be too red, and this thin stripe would/is be a nightmare to line with blue... His horns are sadly lacking their point, but I'd like to think it's from a ferocious 'eadbutt charge rather than anything else.

This boy's carrying the goods! Also the spikey horns are particularly *ahem* eye catching.

Crabman. This was the very last of the freebooter sculpts that I painted. I found him difficult to get going, and a little tricky on the colour placement. I thought the yellow shoulders would work because of the dark helmet, but maybe I should have switched the colours round. Either way I like him, the scamp :)

The Kaptin! Rumour has it that the fur cloak is actually a common boar with some 'alter-ray-shuns' and not actually a wolf that he killed in a fight with some rock 'ard space marines. 

No one discusses this matter within ear shot of the Kaptin.

These freebooters have obviously spent a little too long floating in the warp abroad their spacehulk, and have been slightly, um, well, modified.

They join the rest of my freebooters - and: HAPPY DAY! They complete my collection of catalogued freebooting sculpts. There are a couple more models to eventually join them, but they are either 3rd party or not in the dedicated freebooter range, or a goblin. And as we all know - goblins don't count :)

Rol Call please :) From the Citadel Miniatures Catalogue section one (the Blue one)

And from the Citadel Miniatures Catalogue Three (the Green one)

And this from the Citadel Miniatures 1998 Annual...

No one needs to mention this guy who I do not have. If anyone has him going for swapsies or cash monies, please get in touch!

Aaaaanyway, whilst painting them I did manage to paint one (1). Single. Solitary. Bike. All on it's own:
I think this brings me up to a full squad of five boys and one nob - which is relieving.


And also,
Some grotty gretchin:

A punk, feelin' lucky:
Mind you I have neglected to paint pink/purple onto his nose and knuckles, but hopefully once he's mixed in with the crowd he'll be right at home. I did paint his trousers in freebooter fashion, which might continue with the rest of the grots...

This guys a little sweaty already. I wouldn't count on him to stay in the fight.

This is more like it. Mean, green and with a massive gun.


This squig is a fan sculpt, although other than that I have no knowledge of its history/maker. I believe it's part of a set - and if anyone has any more info I'd love to know!

This helpful chap. Hopefully he realises that's not a hammer he's carrying...

This king daddy grandfather squig, from knightmare miniatures. Fun fact - I added that 'beauty' spot cos I accidentally botched a thick bit of cream paint there (also just above the left eye brow...) and couldn't really match the green skin colour to cover it up.

Another squig from the Knightmare range

I realise I've neglected to show a pic of all the GW squig sculpts - tune in next month for that extra gravy yo :)
And that's just about it for March. Hopefully see y'all in April with the rest of those flipping bikes. Fingers crossed!

Intro: (link)
Month One: Leader (link)
Month Two: Rank and File (1of4) (link)

Month Three: Rank and File (2of4)

129...  Freebooters x6 (with WYSIWYG loadout) 

47...  Warbike

20...   Gretchin x4

3...  Grot assistant

FREE Squig

FREE Squig

FREE Squig

Total: 199


  1. Well, daaang! I've forgotten to post a pic of the fourth goblin... Never mind - he will be there next month, most likely with a couple of mates too.

  2. Yowzers! These look fab and those stripes are extra piratey!

    The bike looks really good, I hope you can get over your painters block with the rest of them. Congrats on the collecting milestone too, great to see them all matched up to the catalogue pics :)

  3. These are the absolute business! Well painted!

  4. Not only do you do orks, a difficult army in OWAC, but you are blowing everyone away! Congratulations at completing the Freebooters!

    1. Thank you Lissanne! That scratch drop pod of yours is an absolute gem - nice one

  5. Capturing the very essence of 90's Warhammer in all its psychedelic splendour. Kudos sir !

  6. Grabs you by the eye sockets and shakes ya!

    1. Thank you, definitely a aim to paint bright. Really liking it, but I've not really seem how it carries over to my regular painting. Looking forward to knocking out a different style after this anyhow :)

  7. Great colors & painting as always. And the expressions on those Knightmare squigs.... :D

    1. I should also mention that I still really like the basing as well!

    2. Cheers! Actually this month is ALL about movement trays, as I've realised I haven't anything to stand them on (when ranked up to last years effort). Fingers crossed I'll do a quick stepbystep as a brucie bonus...

  8. Good to see another batch of orks finished, your freeboter crew looks amazing with the clothe variation. The goofiness of the colours suits really well the sculpts.

    1. Thank you! I'm more proud than I should be of them 😂


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