Saturday, April 2, 2022

Nathan’s second batch of rank and file

Well the title says it all really. After taking my mulligan last month I managed to get back into painting figures to enough of a degree to finish enough rank and file figures for March. Only 12 mind you but I am happy with them as my genestealer force is slowly coming together. As I’ve noted in my January post there is no point values for these given how the genestealer army list in white dwarf works - for my last post I’ll do a full tally of the points values and included in that I’ll post some scans of the list for those that may not have seen it. Anyway here are the figures:

Human Cultists (converted imperial guard)

Three more cultists (Bob Olley imperial guard)

4 Hybrids

And finally a pic of the other figures I finished this month 😀


  1. Well done for coming back after an early mulligan! The mix of plastic army troops and Bob Olley sculpts are everything an Old School GSC force should be imho :)

  2. A lovely eclectic mix of minis and the pale grey on the uniforms is particularly well done.

  3. Lovely cultists! I just ended up using 3rd points for my Space Hulk force, you'll have plenty of points by the end anyway!

  4. Nice comeback. I think the focus switched from points to number of figures. Not sure anyone is counting exact points (ducks as the Overlord swings the hammer...) as long as the overall goal is being reached. ;)

  5. Great comeback. I love the use of the OG IG. Keep up the great work.

  6. The human mercenary arms on the plastic guardsmen is a stroke of genius - they work really well! You're going to capture the motley assembly of the GSC really well, whilst having some great consistency to tie them together. Looking forward to future entries!

  7. Mordheim militia reaches even in the 40th Millenium! Very menacing looking cultists - I especially like the skin tones and the urban camo trousers. You made that alabaster skinned and bug-eyed deamonette really disturbing. Great work!

  8. Nice crew! A bit of a shame those beastmen aren't a part of it mind...
    Cracking colour scheme :)


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