Monday, June 27, 2022

Mariano´s Wood Elves - Glade raiders - Heavy cavalry II (299 points)

 WILD CARD (Rank and File month #V)


For the last month I have painted my last unit, another heavy cavalry unit. With the second one I have achieve one of my main objetives for this OWAC. The sculpt on the riders are ones of my favourites on the whole Wood elves range.

The painting was a little bit boring, I just had to repeat what I have done on the previous one. But to make it more interesting, Gods sent me a heat wave in Spain, what a pain painting at 40ºC/104ºF degree. 

What have I done this month...?

7 x Glade riders (light armour + lances + music + stardard bearer)                                             Total: 299
Total points: 1828

Time to show my last monthly work... hope you like them

Yes, we have a musician

I have finished the OWAC really tired. I really don´t want to paint any other horse in my life (and I have another 9 waitting for me... in the future). But as the last year I´m so happy because I´m closer to paint all my Wood Elves miniatures. Can´t wait to do a pic of all the models painted on this OWAC and, furthermore, to do a pic with the current state of my army.


  1. Beautiful job! Team Elves are doing great!

  2. Awesome! I'm really looking forward to seeing the might of the elves in the wrap up post. I've said it before, but it bears repeating - the colour shifts in the armour is excellent. it still reads as a metallic silver colour, with a colour shift which on such a small scale is no mean feat! Lovely work

  3. Gorgeously, fantastically, inspirationally good! :D

  4. Another grreat unit! I'll regret these monthly batches of horses :)

  5. Wow - that green armour is so magical. Stunning.

  6. Preposterous work again! :) I don't know how, but even the tufts on your bases look more real than mine do, though I bet they are exactly the same. Magic.


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