Thursday, July 28, 2022

Adrian's dwarves - Wrap Up of the unnoficial sequel of Snow White's tale

Army wrap-up post.

The army finally return home with the seven dwarf engineers and Snow White.

"Doc": Hey, it was not that difficult to escape with at least part of the treasure.

Ulther: Ahem.

"Doc": Well, it took some help.

King Kazador: Hey, you were seven at the start of this mess, didn't you? where is your other friend?

"Doc": That's right, what will be Dopey doing again? where is he?

"Sneezy": I *achooo* I have seen him walking up the northern path fighting the orcs.

"Doc": At this point I think he must have reached the chaos wastes.

Another month, another OWAC finished!

Some of the last six months were a bit intense, the typical treacherous miscalculation of the available time here and there. Several working trips. But in the end, planning ahead saved the day again. That and the lack of painting fatigue as my motivation was pretty high.

Again like my eldars, this is my main fantasy army after all. Many of the models were sitting in my desk for ages waiting to be finished. I wanted to give 'em a coat of paint finally.

The OWAC has turned in a mix of opportunity to work on lots of unfinished projects...but the temptation to start new ones or add new units.

The objective was clear, adding several oldhammer units to my multi-edition dwarf army. However, the main army colour is mainly greens and that was slightly wrong if I wanted to add Kazador, so I changed my mind with the main army no #1 rule about colour variation. That was the reason to alter the blueish to teal of the armours, shields and banners that sits perfectly with my main host as it represents single units.

I would lie if I said that it was just as planned... I simply started painting and it was like the perfect colour.

With each unit as it own "clan" inside my dwarf hold, I think I can mix them well and will probably guide toward that direction with some of my other unfinished units of the pile of shame. 

Don't worry, you'll probably see the next batch, there are like several hundreds of unpainted dwarves where these lads come from. Unfortunately nothing so awesome like the Dragon Company. For now?

One of the rarest units in my collection. I started way back in the last days of 5th edition and early days of 6th. Too young to see these on the shelves of a citadel store. I was a curious dwarf collector, so I had a glimpse into the oldhammer catalogues...

I first asked Mariano about some bugman rangers that I missed in my collection... he came with an opportunity to add the Dragon Company to my ranks... and here I am, even I have now a bunch of preslotta dwarves here and there and finishing in my third edition of the Challenge. It needed to be treated some additional care.

Lovely unit to paint. As I said in June, I'll come back to the banner and some small unfinished details but I think that so much effort expent in that unit is pretty rewarding, because not only it pops-out, it is also a satisfying unit to paint despite the small amount of different sculpts.

So, lets summarize

The Host of King Kazador

King Kazador of Karak Azul - 494 points

Runesmith - 78 points

14x Dwarf warriors with full command - 244 points

10x Hammerers with standard bearer - 202 points

10x Troll Slayers with musician - 141 points 

Prince Ulther (Hero) + 14x Dragon Company Iron Breakers and full command -  430 points

Organ Gun - 65 points

Flame Cannon - 119 points

Baggage train - 100 points

Snow White

A mine

Total: 57 dwarfs, 1 human, 1 pony, 1 unanimated pile of rocks, 1873 points

Now, time to prepare the next OWAC. I have an idea in my mind, as I wanted to jump into the Horus Heresy and it seems that beakies are the new black.

Until then, Adrian’s out!


  1. Great collection and ace paintwork!

  2. Excellent work! I have enjoyed following the stories too! Congratulations on finishing!

  3. This has been really fun to follow! Your colouring has been really consistently nice, and gets a lot from all the different era dwarfs you've been using. They look great assembled together at last!

  4. Splendid work and lots of fun to read the ongoing adventures!

  5. Always a joy to see an army of dwarfs. Nice work!

  6. Love the stories, love the miniatures. Well done :)

  7. Congratulations! A mighty throng indeed! :D

  8. Awesome stuff - that display board is 🔥It's been lovely watching this all come tgether - the stripy trousers, the tattoos, the banners, and all the colour - that teal is inspired :) Congrats!

  9. Great job and a cracking back story, well done sir


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