Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Ian McMurray Goblin’s Army - Wrap Up

I am proud to have complete my first Old World Army Challenge. It wasn’t always a joyride, but I am quite satisfied with what I’ve accomplished from January to June 2022 for the OWAC V.

When I first sent a message to the Mighty Overlord back in November 2021, I was quite anxious about THE waiting list and getting into the challenge for the first time. I was very happy when He wrote me back about a month later telling me that I was in!

After not too much deliberation I settled for a Goblin Army to add to my preexisting one. Adding at least 1000 points would reduce my pile of shame of about 1% of my miniatures, right? So having accumulated quite a lot of wolf’s riders, three chariots, including Grom’s, I decided that my main objective would be a quick strike force, with the mandatory Night Goblin unit and a few dumb muscles with 5 Trolls.

I managed to complete everything I was aiming for except for one Goblin Fanatic... and banners.

I started with my leader (Grom, Niblet, Chariot, 3 Wolves) in January and was very motivated and had a great time doing it. I am very happy with the result. After that came the 20 Wolf Riders. I found some tutorials to quickly paint the furs in a few different ways and made all 20 wolves very quickly, probably 2 evening. I like the result. Then came all the Goblin Riders and that was a bit harder (and much longer) with all the details on those miniatures. I must admit that I can’t put myself to “quick paint” anything. Except the wolves which was pretty quick, I must have spent a minimum of 3 hours on every miniature, lot more on the Trolls. I try to take care of every part, every details, with base coat, multiple shading, highlights.

So as the months flew by, so did my motivation… Time was limited with work, family and training and painting was often the last thing on my priorities. But I made it! My only regret would be my inability to make banners. I tried a few things, but the result was always mediocre. I have no talent in drawing and painting over a printed banner on a paper didn’t achieve the result I wanted. The commitment to the OWAC also made it very hard to paint anything else, which I would have like a lot to change my mind from those Goblins. But I made it!

Here's the Bryan Ansell hommage:

Congratulations to all the participants who survived till the end. I was very inspired by all the challengers. Now I know the time, dedication and energy needed to accomplish such a project. I would like to give a special praise to some of my favorites from the OWAC V:

1. Byron’s Hakbutschutzen of Gusseldorf (this guy sculpted ALL his army! And lovely paint job!)

2. Steve’s Verlorene Haufen (very grimdark and original, I love it!)

3. Jaeckel’s Dwarfs (amazing paint job)

4. Mariano’s Wood Elves (amazing paint job)

5. Benjamin’s Korag Risen (a Bob Olley exclusive army! Almost every miniature converted!)

A very, very enormous thank to Iannick, the Might Overlord, and his assistant to give us a space where we can share our passion! I had the chance to meet him in person as we live not too far from each other, and he was very welcoming and gave me the chance to take a look at his awesome collection. The time he invests, for free, for us, is greatly appreciated.

Now one of my goals before the end of 2022 is to play at least one game of WFB with all those newly painted Goblins. I might do that with Nicolas Ouellet, another fellow and first-time challenger from this year, living less than an hour from my place. Last time I played was about 30 years ago… I don't think I'll have much success against his Daemon of Tzeentch army but it should be fun.

Here's a few last random pictures of my army and me without my digitally enhanced Bryan Ansell wig.

As many of my fellow participants, I am already looking forward to the next OWAC, hoping to be part of it for a second time. I am already planning my next army, the mighty, and super expensive, Chaos Dwarfs.

Wait… don’t I already have about 4000 points of unpainted Undead miniatures? Or should I continue my Goblin Army? I still have about 30 Wolf Riders to paint, a few Spear Chukkas, Doom Divers, Squigg hoppers, Spider Riders, Giants, literally hundreds of plastics Goblins from the Battle at Skull Pass boxset, metal goblins… But what about Skaven? I have a box full of old metal Skaven… I have many ogres too…

Cheers guys! Hope to see you all in 2023!


  1. The time that you put into every miniature really shows, and now you have a Goblin army that could have escaped from the pages of White Dwarf. Well done!

  2. Congratulations on your first OWAC victory! Great job!

  3. Lovely work! I especially like the trolls (including my own) and those wolf riders.

  4. Fantastic, love the trolls in particular - I was a first-timer on the wait list as well, really happy to have gotten in. Congratulations!

  5. A brilliant first OWAC - the time you put into everything really paid off. Congratulations!

  6. Effort! Congrats on your excellent army - the wolves are my favourite here; all the colour fade on the pelts look immense and the traolls are the icing on the cake. Lovely!

  7. More recuits to the horde, a joy to see sir, well done

  8. I noticed you used 2 metal wolves in one of the chariots, instead of the plastic ones. I'm in a similar place now: I've got 20 metal classic goblin wolf riders but no wolves, and I'm looking for suitable wolves (like ral partha, etc). Which wolves are those? Thanks in advance.


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