Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Pokrzyw's High Elves - OWAC V summary

 Okay.. Half year passed. My dream from young years (almost) accomplished. Target was to create 4th edition High Elves - full of colours and joy. A lot of excuses with family/work/life during each month made me finish each month in the last days, but I made it!

But finally it becomes real. In the middle of December '21 my army looked like that:

Each month was another step to change that pile of metal/plastic minis to ready to play army:

Month 1
    It was productive time - primary and secondary objective reached and   Archers x3 (516 points) were ready.

Month 2
Plan minimum - lord on dragon, secondary objectives 2 mages and Teclis. Unfortunately only big guy was finished (610 points, total 1126)

Month 3
Spear & sword month - sword masters as a primary and silver helms as bonus objective. Another productive period. All done plus one mage from month 2 (566 points, 1692 total).

Month 4
War machines month - 3 bolt throwers as primary and 2 chariots as secondary. No time for chariots this month. Only primary objective reached (150pts, 1842 total)

Month 5
Spears, spears, spears - spearmens as primary, shadow warriors as secondary - finished two days after deadline. 16 monopose spearmens with command group (244 pts, 2086 total).


Month 6
Last month for hardest guys in the army - Dragon Princes of Caledor as primary and small regiment of Phoenix Guards as secondary. Dragon princes finished, but I hate that models, I was really tired after finishing. For refreshing I started painting shadow warriors from the previous month - so both finished. 374 points and 2460 total.

I feel tired after half a year but really happy. It looks that i could play 4th edition WFB battles using full painted army. Looking backward that kind of painting was mistake. If I may choose againt i will use 5th edition scheme with blue and white. But unique climate of this army is something that nobody could challenge.

Of course there is still a pile of shame, secondary objectives never reached. Something that i will paint in cloudy, rainy autumn days.

Final Words

It was really great to be part of OWAC. Each month was a ultimate challenge to find time to paint something that could be shown to audience. Thank You Overlord for taking care on this initiative and thank all of you challengers of OWAC V!!!  


  1. Have to say I love the colours that you used, and it would have been a shame if it was all blue and white. The bright orange, green and yellow really make the army stand out from the crowd :)

  2. Beautiful army in classic colors! Congratulations!

  3. Love the crisp and bright colours. Its a perfect time capsule of the high elves of the time

  4. Congrats, this is so bold and crisp, love it - the banner-work is top-notch!

  5. It was great having a fellow High Elf challenger in the OWAC this year and I have to say you nailed it - these would be at home in a mid 90's White Dwarf battle report :)

  6. A stunning High Elf force which would be a pleasure to see grace any table top


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