Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Slaaneshchild's infamous return : Intro post for OWAC VI

So here I am ! AGAIN !

So proud to be part of it again !

First thing, I am going to disappoint some of the other challengers, sorry for this, but I am not going to do my corrupted bretonian army with historical miniatures. Sorry for having bothered you guys with my subject, but I realized I had too many miniatures to paint that it would have been stupid to buy new ones.

I decided to complete my Slaaneshi army. A chaos army is a never ending project. I have plenty miniatures, many sub-side-project inside this chaos army... and as Slaanesh is my favorite god, I never stop buying miniatures for it.

Furthermore, I just love Mariano's Wood Elves, and especially the fact that he continues to complete his army with each OWAC. So I am trying to do the same.

You first met my Slaaneshi horde in the OWAC IV. Now I am trying to improve it. Well, it OWAC VI or not ?? VI is for the Dark Prince, of course !

A new Hellraiser movie was also supposed to come out in October, so it is fairly enough to complete this army of little pretties...

This year I plan to build 2 armies, one made of daemons, and one made of (their) mortal (slaves).

Here is my complete list : 

Slaves : 

- Lord on daemonic mount

- 6 knights

- 6 Centaurs

- 3 Dragon Ogres (Snakethings from Mierce Miniatures)

- 3 Trolls

- 6 warriors

- 24 marauders made with old dark eldars homonculii miniatures

- 1 Giant... yes a 3D Printed one... no please not in the eyes !!!!! 

Daemons : 

2 Daemons Princes (conversions to make)

6 Chaos Spawn (idem)

12 Mounted Daemonettes (big claws)

24 (or less) Footed Daemonettes (small and big claws)

6 Fiends of Slaanesh

I hope you'll enjoy them ! I will certainly add some useless chariot/wagon just for the show... will see what is coming out of my mind ! 

And a juicy offering... I was planning to send some monsters to our master but bases are too big to fit it an enveloppe. So here he comes, a Dark Master from Heresy Miniatures for our master of all 


  1. I think OWAC is so great to Paint old miniatures from your pile of shame. So growing Up your slaneeshi horde is a good idea. The bigger the BEST!!!!

    1. Thank you Mariano ! I will try to follow your steps !

  2. Yes! Old miniatures from the lead pile pleases Slaanesh!

  3. Niiiiice! I'm looking forward to seeing the lord on slaanesh steed with some paint. Cracking looking army -good luck!

    1. It is indeed one of my fav miniature, EVER ! Such grace, nobility... and lust ! Perfect contrast.

  4. Can't wait to see them done - collection of brilliant models!

  5. This is going to be great- some lovely gribbly minis

  6. Wise choice painting more from the pile of shame. Probably that would be what the rest of us should do as well! Pretty curious to see those conversions.

    1. thanks !! I have working on it. In fact, I am overwhelmed by you guys, making conversions based only on old miniatures, so I want to do the same.

  7. Another collection of classic old minis and a nice mix of newer to round it out. Perfection.

    1. That's what I like the most I think. Mixing all eras !

  8. A brilliant collection of chaotic horror.

  9. Oh yes, more disciples of torment and debauchery! Full of old lead - the sweetest of all poisons. Already yearning with anticipation to see these monstrosities painted!

    1. Oh yeah !!! let's rejoice in Slaanesh's name !!!

  10. This definitely smells like Chaos!

    I'm also pushing on with an existing army for the second year so I applaud your efforts to get stuff done with your core armies rather than buy new stuff. +1 for self control :)


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