Tuesday, February 28, 2023

CopperOracle II. 2. Rank and File 2

'The sound of the fast flowing river could now be heard over the pounding footsteps and marching roars and grunts of the advancing Orcs. In the vanguard Grashak moved behind a sea of dirty brown and black fur,  crested by jet black eyes and the fetid many toothed maws of the hobhounds. 

'Stunties over there. Got there stink 'av you my little bastards?'  Grashak shouted out to them as they increased their pace towards the river and the edge of a stone bridge that was coming into sight.

' I can, so you will 'av um as well. You hungry enought to get them before the rest of the lads!'

The hobhounds pulled on the web of chains wrapped round Grashaks great fist, eager to be released and to hunt out the dwarves ahead, the scent of beer, pipe tabacco and earthy sweat goading them on as they were finally released...'

February is a not a kind month. When the calendar turns over it is already the shortest month, add onto that I am away for a week over half term and with usual life stuff eating up a lot of the rest and there is not a lot of time left. I had made plans this year to try and make some progress on some of my many side projects as well as the OWAC and main army builds, even if it meant one a month but even they have been relegated to assembly and undercoats.  Taking the hobhounds and handler gave me an easy goal with not too complex a paint scheme, the main details for the hobhounds is the mouths and a character I could indulge some time on. 

The plan for this month is a ten Hobhound and Handler set, the first Character figure as a break from batch painting. 

The character is Grashak Kra and the sculpt was originally released as part of the classic C15 Orcs. named as Warlord, he was then added to the Bloodbath set and also features on the Severed Hand Command sheet

The Hobhounds were gathered over a quite a long time, I have seen some people use chaos hounds or even dogs from the elf animal sets but I wanted the collection to be as authentic as possible. The original figures are preslotta and although described as neutral in the 2nd edition they were part of the Hobgoblin faction and placed with a Hobgoblin Handler.  The inclusion of the Hobhounds seemed a bit of an odd choice as the Scenario is set in the New World and Hobgoblins/hobhounds are a more old world faction set in the far East and usually only interacting with other local factions like the Chaos Dwarfs, Northmen Tribes and the Empire of Cathy, thought I think the only faction option as this was a preSquig era.

The full ten

(The bases look a little spartan, I will be adding some tufts and leaves when the whole set are done)

Grashak Kra

Warhammer Fantasy Battle Second Edition (Ravening Horde) Points Value: 52.75

Grand Total so far: 115.25

Next month I plan on returning to the main mob and working on some Orc Archers and a couple more unit trays for the Vile Rune Orcs. 


  1. Lovely job on these old figs. And the pale colors look wonderful!

    1. Thank you, I wanted to keep them quite 'realistic' and for the basing the grey palette keeps the focus on the figures and works with pretty much any table setting

  2. I don't think I've ever seen a hobhound in person, nice work collecting as well as painting them!

    1. Thank you! I think putting them together was the longest task as they came up (for a humane price) in fits and starts but I am glad I persevered!

  3. Big fan of a bloodied weapon - that mace looks viscous! Nice one 👊

    1. Thank you! Cant beat a good splash of blood now and then!
      (Tamiya Clear Red with a bit of Nuln oil and PVA)

  4. That's a lovely pack of hobhounds, I shall take note of the striking colour scheme for when I paint my own (looks at lead pile) ... eventually.

    1. Thanks, I have seen some painted up like hyena's or baboons which looks really nice as well

  5. Kudos on collecting on all those Hobhounds! The paint job on Grashak Kra is subtle but absolutely spot on. Great skin tone and +1 for the bloody mace!

    1. Thanks! The hobhounds cost me so many restless late night last minute ebay bids!

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  10. Such an engaging post! The way you bring the Orcs and hobhounds to life with vivid detail is impressive—it really pulls you into the action. I also love how you're managing to juggle side projects with your main army builds. On a different note, I’ve been looking into TimescapeBooks for publishing support. Has anyone here had any experience with them? I’d love to hear some feedback!

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