Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Jaakko and Slargash - Rank & File #2

On the surface everyhing seemed to go better than Slargash dared to hope. Still, deep inside he couldn't help but be a bit worried. Rumours of the painting frenzy had spread wide and far and every neighbourhood thug and wannabe monster seemed to want to join his  warband in hope for being painted. He feared that the momentum wouldn't last till his own turn. "Luckily most of them seem quite useful and that giant is certainly a keeper" Slargash thought. Yet, how the same thing can at the same time be the most incredibly stoic figure and constantly pick a fight never ceased to baffle him: "Well, I guess it's the Jungian thing - the duality of ettin."

Hroom, hm, oh hello! Another month has passed and February - aka the feared shortest month of them all - is about to be wrapped. Things are rolling quite nicely at the moment and painting has felt good. Well, even too good at times as I'm writing this after an allnighter painting minotaurs. And the photo is not of me this morning - more of that guy later.

These nine minotaurs - an embodiment of bestial brutality - rejoice at the prospect of fresh gore.

I had thought this month was mainly about the minotaurs, but I spent the better part of it painting thugs and an unexpected two headed giant who is looking for a fight in exchange for coin. He is one of the reasons that gave me the final momentum to collect this army. I wanted to build one that can have giants.

The second thug from left sold me this unit. I need another set to have one with a round shield though...
A few additions to the thug-unit I started last month

The leader of a giant mercenary band gathering steam due to the absence of a baggage

Lord Duherst - the master butcher

Ox-roar - chaos champion of ultimate slaughter

Definitely not in the proper order, but don't mind if I do
What?! no slogan...

This month in points:

- 9 minotaurs: 360 points

- 4 thugs including a banner: 40 points

- 6 thug horse with a banner and musician: 128 points

- 1 giant mercenary 250 points

= 778 points, 20 models

Total so far 1249 points, 43 models

Let's see what the next month brings us!


  1. Very nice! Dark and threatening. Standards are excellent, especially the one with no slogan...

    1. Thanks! I prefer that one too. I thought I had to have one with a big chaos symbol also and this is how it looked this time. I have a few more in the pipeline and prefer those over these two

  2. Looks like it was a busy month. Great job!

    1. Well, at times it was a bit like working two jobs at the same time. Luckily I had several days off from the regular one! Thanks for the support!

  3. Great February for you! And my favorite minotaur shows up again!

    1. Thank you! Are you referring to Ox-roar? For me that miniature represents the apex of awesomeness

  4. my favorite part is the thug riders. Where do they come from?

    1. They are from Old school miniatures except for one head that is from Diehard miniatures.

  5. Wonderfully Chaotic. I always love to see minotaurs, and these are great!

  6. Love the striped trousers on the giant, and that eye! The colour palette is really good, and I also like the zebra stripes on those foot thugs. Great job

    1. Many thanks, I appreciate it. The zebra stripes were a last minute addition inspired by a certain centaur.

  7. Incredibly characterized models, with a background story that seems to write itself

    1. Thank you, I'm glad you like them! I was about to skip writing the story this month but I'm quite glad I didn't.

  8. Lovely dark tones and details. I love the detail out even in the illustration style on those banners.

    1. Thank you 🙏 It seems that the next month or two will have a bit darker palette. I hope that I manage to keep things uniform

  9. Wow! What a month! The thugs look fantastic and the minotaurs are properly bestial. I love minotaurs and think you have done a great job with these :)

    1. Thank you! These minotaurs have probably been my favourite part of the project too.


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