Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Quin’s Debaucherous Dwarfs - Sex Dwarfs (170 Points)

Blistering light penetrates the glacial chasm as the star of damnation rises above the frozen wastes, the thick sheets of ice transition from a smooth blanket of black silk into rich waves lit with blue hues. Marak Ahlmund awakes from his tainted dreams and sits upon his bed of webs, thinking of the lewd activities from night before. His stomach begins to gurgle and moans- he must have a meal to fill his emptiness. Marak hurries across the chasm before setting upon his throne above the droves of dwarfs compulsively gyrating from wall to wall, all of them submissive to the will of their god. As Marak looks down upon his disciples, he provocatively bellows, “Sex Dwarf!!!” And with these two words echoing across the crevice rhythmically, the dwarfs stop and pull out their weapons before charging up and out of their home to pillage another dwarf city.

    To kick off the challenge I’ve painted up 10 chaos dwarfs with heavy armor & double handed weapons. To keep things brief, my paint scheme was of course decided by this line, with some added purple assets like tongues, cloth, wood, etc..

“We can make an outfit for my little Sex Dwarf

To match the gold Rolls and my dumb chauffeur

We'll all look so good, we'll knock 'em cold

Knocking 'em cold in black and gold”

BC6 Chaos Dwarf Renegade
Doomaxe the Dreaded v2
Level 5 Chaos Dwarf Hero

D3 Chaos Dwarf
Azakil Bonecruncher

D3 Chaos Dwarf
Zelazad Hornhead

D3 Chaos Dwarf
Barin Spikehead

C16 Chaos Dwarf
Scarsol Smashskull

BC6 Chaos Dwarf Renegade
Pulper Spikehead v2

C16 Chaos Dwarf
Spikes Harveywotan

D3 Chaos Dwarf
Naurthang Blacksoul

BC6 Chaos Dwarf Renegade 
Foaming Mad Furrikson

BC6 Chaos Dwarf Renegade
Khazek Doomlord


Level 5 Chaos Dwarf Hero w/ heavy armor & double handed weapon (53)

9 chaos dwarfs with heavy armor & double handed weapons 13 points each (117)

Total for January - 170 Points


  1. Love the colors! Can't wait to see more!

  2. The best chaos dwarfs! Wonderful work.

    1. Thanks George :) Absolutely my favorites as well!

  3. Mad Furrikson has always been my favorite of the Oldhammer Chaos Dwarves. Great work on Khazek Doomlord's cloak.

    1. Thanks Rob, I'm quite pleased with how the lot turned out :)

  4. Love these old Chaos Dwarves! Great to see them painted up!

    1. Thank you very much! Glad I've had the opportunity to paint these classics :)

  5. Brilliant! Bags of character - the basing really works with the colour scheme and background too :)


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