Sunday, December 24, 2023

George's Bad Moons - introduction post

 Big Gobb was an ork warlord with one major skill: talking, or shouting, about how great he was.

The son of a hugely successful Bad Moon Warlord, Big Gobb had inherited a large and proud mob with a reputation for brutal conquest that strethced across the galaxies.

Big Gob was certainly big. And he was certainly good at talking about his father's triumphs. But he was lacking any success of his own to back it up.

After some failed campaigns his mob had begun to drift apart. Households who had been close allies to his father went elsewhere and Big Gobb had the uncomfortable feeling that even his closest nobz were grumbling about him.

It was time for him to pull off something big. Something fitting of his heritage. He was going to conquer a squat stronghold. Kill all the dwarfs. Steal their treasure. And then shout about it. Shout about it across the universe until his legacy was assured.

Now all he needed was a warband...

When I first fell in love with 40k as a kid, I was pretty dismissive about orks. As a colletor or squats and imperial guard, I thought they were the enemy and to be avoided at all costs. In more recent years, I realised that they are actually huge fun to paint with enormous potential for fluff writing - win!

So I decided to paint up a warband to fight it out with my squat army from OWAC VI.

I do love bright colours, so I'm going for Bad Moons. I also like the fact that the Bad Moons have so many oddboyz - more bright colours!

Working from the Freebooterz and Waaargh The Orks books, I'm planning an army full of weird colour and character. Models are assembled from original 80s/90s GW miniatures, Ramshackle games, CP Models, Knightmare Miniatures and Wargames Foundry.

As with the previous challenge, I have plenty of real life things going on that make this mad idea. But let's do it anyway!

Planned army list:

Warlord: 90 points

Warlord's retinue: 290 points (5 x nobz @ 125 points, each, 1 x painboy @ 15 points, 1 x shokk attack gun @ 50 points, 2 x weird boyz @ 100 points)

Big mob: 130 points (10 x boyz, 1 x rocket launcher)

Boyz mobs: 100 points (2 x mobz @ 50 points each)

Gretchin mob: 50 points

Wild mob: 40 points

Mad mob: 50 points

Battlewagon: 50 points

Tinboy: 75 points

Freebooterz: 75 points

Mekaniak: 15 points

Weirdboy: 50 points

Painboy: 15 points

The first gathering of the warband. Still awaiting stripping, prep and priming. 
And a few last minutes purchases!


  1. You have a very interesting selection of models again! It will be a pleasure to follow your project

  2. Looking forward to another feast of colour from you, George

  3. RT Era Bad Moons are some of my favourite memories from both White Dwarf and friends collections - can't wait to see this! :)

  4. yes George! Love the little tin hat goblins! Good luck with the paint 👊


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