Saturday, December 30, 2023

PaulM - Mórr's Wild Hunt - OWAC VII intro post

 Hello my OWAC people!

Back again for a second crack of the whip. I've had the idea of a Wood Elf army kicking around for a while and have been picking up bits here and there for several years.

In my 30-ish years of playing war dollies I have at one point owned a Wood Elf army, during 6th edition in fact, but it was half-inched by some unscupulous sort about a decade ago and I am now sans Woodies, so this year's event seemed the perfect opportunity to rectify that and get the savage tree-hippies back on the table.

The plan, originally, was to do, one for one, the Mórr's Wild Hunt sample list [above] as presented in the 4th edition Army Book; but, and those who followed my last OWAC attempt will know this, doing the complete list is probably a tad optimistic for the arch-procrastinator that I am. As such I've decided on a paired back list, that is likely more achievable.

That list consists of the following:

10 Archers 

5 Dryads

5 Scouts - with Standard and Musician

5 Glade Riders

5 Warhawk Riders


General, Scout Hero & Mage on Great Eagle.

Wildcard - Elven Way Stones

The army is mostly made up of Mark Copplestone sculpted ex-Grenadier figs, with the odd 3rd and 4th/5th edition GW sculpt thrown in, and a Harlequin Treeman (that I'm likely to replace with one of the Harrrowhyrst/Trish Carden ones). I have some 3rd edition archers somewhere that need adding in too, to mix up the archers a little. 

The eagle-eyed amongst you may have spotted that there are 10 Wardancers present too, they will get dropped in dependant on progress, though even the least observant reader will notice that my pre-OWAC prep has resulted in precisely zero progress, so I've already set myself a mountain to climb!

All a bit if fun though innit? Onward for Athel Loren! 


  1. A lot of Wood Elves this year! Looking forward to seeing them!

    1. There certainly are. Hopefully this project is more successful than my skin-of-my-teeth Chaos project.

  2. I have a soft spot for Mark's miniatures, so it'll be nice to see these painted up. And welcome to #TeamWoodElves! Extremely popular this year!

    1. Yeah, they're a lot of fun, and significantly cheaper than me sourcing more 3rd edition ones!

  3. Great collection of figs. My best advice is to paint early and paint often. Get ahead when you can. Paint when you are inspired.

  4. This is such a great take on a classic Wood Elf list. I really like the mix of models and manufacturers and can see this having a different feel to other Woodie armies this year (mine included) - looking forward to seeing how it turns out :)


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