Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Jaakko and Forin - Rank & File month #4

Squat armourers are adept at forging rather striking exo-armour, usually embellished with the visage of a Squat Ancestor Spirit. These finely wrought suits of exo-armour become the prestigious war panoply of great Lords and their Hearthguards.

Warhammer 40.000 Compendium

With the completion of the final Rank & File month I can really feel how the pressure is off. I had a lot of time to paint and model and even though I didn't finish my main goal of this month I have several things to show you. I spent a lot of time painting tanks but the rhinos and landraider are still in a WIP-stage. They will hopefully be included in the coming months. Anyway, lets check out the stuff I did finish:

I finished a Combat Squad, a Guildmaster with an Imperial Robot and a Guildmaster in exo-armour on bike. I'm spoiled with Guildmaster options so another Guild Bike Squad would be nice to unlock the option of playing with an Engineers Guild Expeditionary Force. Instead of the promised buildings, the main terrain project for this month was radioactive waste containers and some barrels. I also painted the remains of an Eldar Dreadnought and a statue.



A Combat Squad with heavy bolter. I try to paint two more to expand the army to two Brotherhoods.

Guildmaster with an Imperial Robot of Crusader Class. The chance to buy two of these emerged and I had to add them to this project. The other one is almost finished. A Robot Maniple consists of four robots so I still need to find two more of them.

I took the maximum amount of rolls for gear for the Guildmaster and also did the rolling. He ended up with a sawn off shotgun, a hand flamer, knock out grenades, virus grenades, a bionic arm, a refractor field, a bio scanner and an energy scanner. The sawn off shotgun was a nice coincidence as I can use the biker from last month as the same personality. This one just has it hidden under his trench coat. The plastic arms don't fit this sculpt very nicely.

A Guildmaster in exo-armour with a bike. I have been acquiring exo-armoured Squats to add another Warlord and his Hearthguard to the leader month and happened to get this one in my hands in the process.

This month in points:



The radioactive waste containing units were made from soda can bottoms with some bitz. I made a mix of green paint and water effect resin to fill the central part and added some clear water effect as another layer. Naturally radioactive waste is stored in an open receptacle.

The remains of an Eldar Dreadnought. I have some Eldar Jetbike parts too and try to find the time to use them in a similar fashion.

A broken statue of an exo-armoured Squat Ancestor. The Squat is acrylic resin and the pedestal is a 3d-print.

That's it, until next month!


  1. Splendid stuff. I especially like the off white on the robot, makes it look suitably functional.

    1. Thank you, I'm quite happy with the robot even though the initial plan was to give it a heavier weathering, chipped paint etc. and a kill banner. I might come back to it if there is time later on, but we'll see

    2. I'll try to finish one then

  2. I can't say I like them, I hate Squats, but I love the robots and your terrains. Your painting is awesome anyway... will you include some chaos squats to bring the fun here ? ;)

    1. Well, I do have a wild card month to do and some chaos squats in the drawer...

  3. I have feeling that terrain was inspired a little bit by fallout. But it fits great for polluted world of squats. Robot is really interesting - first look at checked areas give me a vibe of crash test measurement points ;) .

    1. The thought behind the markings on the robot was to play double duty of squad markings and visual markings for their machine vision to help them function as a squad. So, crash test dummies are definitely their close relatives ;)

  4. Fantastic terrain, getting resin that smooth isn't easy. And brilliantly dour squats too!

    1. Thanks mate, I used a bit more time to the terrain than in previous months and hope to do a lot more of it in the future

  5. Beautiful as always, mate! The robots are a perfect addition to the army, hope you can find the remaining two easily (and at a good price!)

  6. Excellent work this month. I continue to really dig your painting style. I'm going to steal your toxic waste pits methodology as I'm really impressed by those.

    1. Thank you, in case you are interested I painted the bottom of the pool with Nurgle's rot and the first layer of water effect has some Nurgle's rot in it

  7. I wouldn't have spotted those drink cans if you hadn't explained them, which is all you can hope for when scratch building terrain, top marks! The army itself continues to impress with your practical colour schemes and attention to detail. Such a great project :)

    1. Thanks mate, I agree that it's important to try to conceal what the terrain is made of to create the illusion of terrain. I'm glad if I managed to fool you with my soda cans

  8. This army looks great and just screams "SQUATS"!!! I absolutely love it!

  9. What a great month! The robot stands out for me as I love the insectoid sculpt and I love your industrial paintjob on it. The scenery is all great too, adding bags of character to the battlefield. I particularly like the use of Eldar Dreadnought parts

    1. Thank you! The robot is a really nice sculpt and my favourite one from the imperial robots range.

  10. Sweet month! I really like the free hand on the robot - super neat checks and rune work work really well with the weathering! Lovely toxic storage too 💪

    1. Thanks mate, I felt the runes were a bit of a scribble but I blame the Squats who wrote them. I have added some to other machines and heavy weapons too (and tanks if I manage to finish them) with the idea that they are tags written by the grunts.

  11. Very nicely done! This has been a wonderful army to see come together.

    1. Thanks Bill, I'll try to keep it up for a while more


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