Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Mustafa’s Beakies: Month IV, Leader.

A pretty small offering this month, but you can’t have an army without a leader!

Space Marine Captain with power fist and melta gun: 96 points

Techmarine with power axe: 40 points 

Total: 136 points.

 Not much to say about these lads really. The captain was an obvious choice given the marines that I’d used, and the techie is an absolute classic.

As it stands, that’s a fully legal army so I’m pretty happy :)


  1. Absolutely stunning work Mustafa - I'm in awe of this army.

  2. Wow, I've seen first time that version of old techmarine. First feeling was that this is some kinde of khorne chaos sm. Whole army looks really great.

  3. Great characters! They really add a lot to the army. Now it's all complete and legal, the whole collection looks even more impressive

  4. Great job on your leaders this month, some classic figs. Your army is looking *chef's kiss* great...I'm very jealous of it.

  5. Congrats on acheiving legal army status, but I still want to see more please :)


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