Wednesday, August 7, 2024

John B wrap up post and bonus month

Congrats to everyone who made it to the end of the OWAC challenge.

Here is a trophy for you all

Month 7 Painting. 

It was a surprisingly productive month.

Bathroom Hy jinks

Bugman to the rescue


The little dwarf mermaid 

(dinglehopper and snarfblat are in scuttles nest)


Drunken Shenanigans celebrating the end of the challenge


Completed month of painting

The Pose

something wicked hides in the forest

my favorite helper

no pose

Hope you all had as much fun painting 

I enjoyed watching you all throughout the months

See you all next challenge





  1. Congrats on finishing the challenge and ending it with a bang! Your depiction of post OWAC celebration is pretty accurate

  2. Wow! I wasn't expecting all the mayhem to break out this month, you've assembled such a serious looking army but they obviously get a bit wild when they let their hair (and beards) down!

    It's been a great project to watch, I can hardly wait to see what you bring next year.

  3. What a fun way to wrap up what I have considered a serious army (definitely meant as a compliment!). Your army has really captured something of he fantasy realm thanks to the very evocative staging, scenery, and basing. Congratulations! :D

  4. Congratulations on a challenge completed! Love the little diorama this month, and seeing all the Dwarfs together under the canopy of your trees is just amazing. Great job!

  5. Ahahaha! What a way to wrap up!
    The throng look absolutely top notch - especially with all that wonderful terrain, absolutely banging! So nice to have made a trophy to celebrate the OWAC too 🙂


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