For those about to finish the OWAC - I salute you!!!
In memory of Bryan Ansell.
"In the far north lies the realm of the Witch King of Naggaroth, the bleak and frozen Land of Chill. Here are the cities of the Dark Elves, battlements of black stone and high towers rising like cruel spears into the pale sky. The Witch King rules over all the cold mountains and dark forests with an unbending will of iron. Dark Lords and their mighty armies are his to command. Sorcerers hasten to his call. Pale and beautiful Witch Elves dance their deadly rites before his throne as they keen the battle songs of theirs bloody master" - Warhammer Armies Dark Elves 4ed
At beginning it was just a scrap of metal and plastic

It were long 6 months of preparing and painting miniatures that are not my favourite army (with some exceptions). Druchii come on my shelf by some chain of barter. But.. there were a lot miniatures waiting for painting.. Main forces are ready in result of OWAC VII, but my personal weakness - cavalry is still not finished. This time I've also do some bonus miniatures connected with army, but from 6-7th edition of WFB. Main work was done during first months. Last two I was not at home travelling a lot.
Bonus miniatures - beasmaster on manticore, hydra, sorcress and Mengil Manflyers
Malekith conversion on dragon
Main OWAC 7 forces
Harpies, sorcress on cold one, and spearman unit gave me a lot of fun
Dragon is nice centerpiece of this army. This small guy made by Jaakko would act as a hero (I gave him possibility to ride the dragon from time to time ;o) )
Cold one knights - I'm happy with this scheme. Tomato soup boiled bu master chief ;)
I need to prepare better banners next time..
The coolest mercenary unit. This is the salt of 6edition Druchii
During OWAC V I've painted High Elves army. This is good moment to show both armies in deadly clash. High Elves are brave, but it looks that Druchii have superiority on battlefield:
Unfortunately there were some casualties. Not painted, waiting for better day.. Black Riders and Hydra still not finished..
TOTAL 4207 points of raw WFB 4ed (including 381pts in bonus miniatures).
Heroes (1150 + bonus 307) :
- Dreadlord on dragon (610)
- Sorceress on foot (59)
- General on cold one (179)
- Sorceress on cold one (72)
- Sorcerer on foot (59)
- Assassin (56)
- Assassin (56)
- Sorceress on foot (59)
- Hero on Manticore (307)
- 6 Harpies (90)
- 5 Cold one knights (with champion, banner) (302)
- Dark Elf warriors (with champion, banner) (173)
- 10 city guards (5 xbows + 5 spears) - (130)
- 10 city guards (5 xbows + 5 spears) - (130)
- 11 xbows (169) + champion (53)
- 14 spearmans (399) + champion (52)
- 10 Mengil Manflayers as scouts - Bonus (156)
- 22 Witch Elves (banner) (276)
- 5 Repeater Bolt Throwers (500)
- Cauldron of blood (125)
- Warhydra - bonus (225)
Thank You very much for such a great time. I'm proud to be in the group that reach the end of this challenge. I plan to skip OWAC VIII as I don't have miniatures for such event, but there are plans to return in OWAC IX. Maybe there will be time for WH40k project.
I really like this army, I'm still very impressed by how you got so much varierty of colour into it while still keeping it looking like Dark Elves. If you do go back to the Dark Riders and Hydra I hope you'll let us see them (maybe in the Facebook group). I'll certainly be looking forward to your next OWAC project.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on a seriously productive OWAC and a fantastic looking army! Seems like you painted to OWACS worth in one go!? I hope you find some minis in time to take part in OWAC IX :)
ReplyDeleteWell that's a lot of Druuchi! Khaine should be proud!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on finishing an other Owac!
Congratulations on finishing the project! The army looks fantastic as it manages to be colourful and grim at the same time.
ReplyDelete+ it's good to see that the dark elf that escaped from me is enjoying his time, riding dragons and everything!
Absolutely fantastic army! The gigantic dragon really tops it off as a centre-piece, but I also really like how the pink elements pop on the table. Lovely details to spend time exploring! Congrats
ReplyDeleteHUGE! And great quality painting! Congratulations!
ReplyDeleteA really nice paint scheme, creating a magnificent army! Reallly great to see them face off against your previous highelves :)
ReplyDeleteFantastic work - congratulations!
I do agree with you for the witch elves. They are the best ever made. You did a fantastic job, I love them all (ok, I am a dark elves player too :)