Friday, August 9, 2024

Mustafa’s Beakies: Wrap Up. Why paint one army when you can paint two?

 Should’ve done this a few day ago, but better late than never I say!

It’s nice to have a finished RT looking space marine army, especially one that includes some tanks.

I had quite a lot of fun painting these. The sculpts are lovely BigMrTong ones (aside from the HQ and squad leaders), and were an absolute joy to paint. They lent themselves very well to drybrushing and washes as they have lots of interesting lines and details compared to the old RTB01 lads.

So, as the title suggests, I actually painted two armies at the same time. The second one is a small 1st company Ultramrine force. The squads are all three-man ones as I’ll be using the army for One Page Rules. I was tempted to do them in the same colour scheme, but I wanted to avoid boredom.

Anyway, here are some pics :)

What’s next for the Emperor’s finest? Well, I reckon they need some fast support so it’ll be jump packs and speeders next year!


  1. Two for the price of one! A great pair of projects, I like the mixture of RT aesthetics with the large number of tanks (most of which we didn't have back in the early RT days). It'd be great to see more additions to these next year.

  2. Wait? Ultramarines but chunky AND gribbly you say!? Nice!

    They really do look like big barrels of murderous fun :D

    The two armies look cracking side by side. You can really imagine that being a bloody skirmish in the Heresy era.

  3. A bonus army is quite a wrap-up surprise! Both armies look really great and there's a lot to take in here. I'm usually not a big fan of ultramarines, but these look good with their grim look.

  4. Great work, dude! On the collection and the new additions. You've done a great job of creating a cohesive, gritty, mean looking force. And I'm super impressed by how well those printed vehicles turned out!

  5. I've said it before - this army could have marched straight out of the pages of RT. Totally bad ass - I love em!


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