Sunday, January 5, 2025

Nicolas' Daemon Legion of Khorne - Introduction Post

 The Nightmares of Scyla

After 2 years in a row trying to go for my Slaanesh beastmen herd, which resulted in joining the field of bones way too soon, I am back with a vengeance!

And what better way to get a proper vengeance, than turning the table around and going for a Khorne deamon army!?

The concept I am developing this year is all based around the fluff I read back in the days when Warhammer Armies: Chaos was released for 4th edition.

I had this fixation over Scyla Anfingrimm, this atrocious character stuck in his body, his mind consumed by his visions as he roamed around the chaos desolations.

I guess back then it helped my young brain processing the idea that a successfull hero could created his own downfall by pushing himself over the edge.

Anyway, fastfoward many years where I wrote the fluff for a Khorne deamon army on the now desolved "Wargamming Montreal Forum", which has never seen the daylight until now.

It was originally built around the Storm of Magic 8th edition concept, explaining all the plastic and the need for large units as you may see below;

Scyla, rampaging beast walking across the lands, only to find a place to rest and sleep... And in the process generating wounds in the fabric of reality, his feverish dreams of violence and vengeance pulling demons in the mortal realm.  

The army I invision will be much more entertaining in 3rd edition under the Deamon Legion of Khorne rules, so here is the plan;

General - Bloodthrister 0 pts

2 units of 8 Bloodletters  1200 pts

1 unit of 5 Bloodletters on Juggernauts 750 pts

1 unit of 8 Fleshhounds 480 pts

1 unit of Khornate Legionnaires 240 pts

1 Khornate Champion on Hydra chariot 400 pts

2 units of 3 Chaos Spawns 600pts

1 unit of 10 harpies 150pts

I am fully aware this may be a bit over my painting capacity as a total,I am such a slow painter, but I will give it my best, and of course respect the monthly progression steps. I will also deep dive into the miniature selection... Which took place over 20 years!


  1. I think it entirely fitting that The OCHO features Khorne armies, and this is definitely an offering designed to please the Blood God - lots of lovely old lead in there, I look forward to seeing the finished product! :D

  2. Omes are indeed good for a Khorne project during OWAC VIII. I like your vision behid the project and hope to read more of the fluff you mentioned.

  3. This is a fun concept to come back to. I always love to see some interesting metal minis, so that collection of winged demons and dragonmen and so on gets a big thumbs up from me :)

  4. Great selection of old Chaos metal there. Good luck!

  5. More of the old Juggernauts! Brilliant!
    Good luck with he paint on this one - there's a lot to get through, but surely the Ocho and Chaos will be in your favour!

  6. Nice to see someone else planning to paint lots of demons


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