Sunday, January 27, 2019

Harrison's High Elf Heroes (208 points)

I am a very slow painter, slow because i don't have many hours in the week to paint. After all it must be remembered that weekends are for gaming and drinking beer (or just drinking beer).

But I have done it, here is the first mainstay unit of my new high elf army. 
I set myself the task of painting 10 models this month, 1 of which was a character, so that I would ease my way in and not get to overburdened as many projects seem to go. These guys are +1 shock elites, having not only a high weapon skill but a really high initiative, meaning they should have a good chance at striking first against anyone and making it count despite their small number.

(the back rank)

The models are a mix of Citadel/TSR, Marauder, 1985 citadel and even a pre-slotta dude from 1984. I liked the mix and overall i'm happy with how they turned out.

(the front rank)

(1984 dude, lets call him Orwell)

The models are all painted from a white undercoat and i find that helps them stay lighter ( as a i think elves should be). My eyes aren't what they used to be, so I celebrate the times things go well and try not to dwell too much when they don't.

I wanted to get a banner in there as everyone loves a good flag waver, plus it helped draw the eyes away from some of the ropey painting on other parts as I relearned how to paint more than 1 model a month!

(wave it like you just don't care)

(group shot, get those jazz hands ready!)

Next month i'm planning to paint some archers and another wizard (this time on a dreaded horse).  The army should then be well on the way and I can start thinking about playing some games!


  1. Love that banner and the shields! Great work on the freehand

  2. Lovely! White primer is the way to go. That is a most excellent banner too, btw!

  3. Execlent. The banner is first class. I'm getting inspired to paint the few I have languishing in a box.

  4. That banner is awesome. Great looking unit of classic minis. Can't get behind the white primer thing, though. ;)

  5. Great selection of models, excellent brushwork, and an outstanding banner. This what the OWAC is all about.

  6. Are beautiful, miniatures And banner!!!

  7. Amazing job on these, the minis are great, but the banner and shields push them up to 11!

  8. With vibrant colors, and a great banner and shields, this is a fantastic first post. I am not familiar with any of the figures, so that is a treat as well.

  9. Lovely lovely attention to detail. The shields and banner are sublime even more so as you referenced Citadel Armies. If I was marking this as a graduates essay i’d score it 82

  10. Really nice group of elves. I didn't see them often.

  11. Excellent! From minis, to shield job and banner: I am really impressed

  12. Lovely mix of models - always nice to see High Elves with such individual character. Looking forward to more!


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