Thursday, June 27, 2019

AdamH's Brets - Follow. But! Follow only if ye be men of valour... (295 points)

...for the entrance to this post is guarded by a creature so foul, so cruel that no man yet has fought with it and lived!

So this final month was a light one for me, because I hit all of the other months (i.e. didn't use my joker) then technically I didn't need to paint anything for this month however I didn't want to lose my momentum and I still needed to paint a model to finish the Grail Knight unit:

Also since I was done with the challenge I thought I would paint the best model in the Bretonnian line, perhaps even the best model GW have ever produced...
Are you ready for this?
I'm not sure that you are...
OK fine, since you kept scrolling this far, I present to you...

King froggy frogerson! Master of the whole of Bretonnia, the most fearsome warrior to ever step... foot? in the old world.

So there we have it, my entire month of painting in these two models:

My submission for this month is:

45 - 1x Grail Knight
0 - King froggy frogerson

For a total of 45 points.

What is that you say, you want to see more of one of the models? I think I know what you mean and I have your back don't worry:

Hmm... more?
OK sure:

Still not enough?

Man you really love this frog don't you? I don't blame you, he is pretty rad.
Well here is the french view:

Oh crud...

It seems he got snuck up on by something a little meatier... I suppose you want to see that now as well:

So yea I may have also painted the lord for my army, I used the old Louen Leoncoeur model simply because I liked it. I don't plan to run it as him though, just as a regular Lord on a Griffon. Although if you have this model and have a keen eye you might notice that something looks off/different with the right arm. The model I had was missing this piece so I had to sculpt a new one myself. I would be keen to hear what you think. Now that it is painted I think it looks OK, although it was a bit touch and go when I was sculpting it.

So therefore my actual submission for this month is:

100 - General of Bretonnia
150 - Griffon
45 - 1x Grail Knight
0 - King froggy frogerson

For a total of 295 points.

So there we have it, it looks like I made it through the challenge. I had a few touch and go points and had to pull a few long knights of painting but I am quite proud of the army I have ended with. Still a few little touch-ups here and there but I will go into those in a bit more detail in my wrap-up post. Until then best of luck to the other challengers, I can't wait to see all of the glorious pictures of fully painted armies!

- AdamH


  1. A great finish! King Froggy LOL!

  2. Great post and such rich colours as always - lovely stuff! :D

  3. Great variety of figures this time, and top notch painting once again. As I commented on the FB page... I was expecting the Green Knight. I guess "It ain't easy being green..." :)


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