Sunday, March 15, 2020

Tom's Chaos Dwarfs - Month three. A marching 364 points

Greetings! It is March and marching needs feet. I painted many pairs of stomping feet.
Here's a quick guide, hastily cobbled together #nocropscreenshot
(OWAC Overlord Iannick - one of these will be winging it's way to you as tribute)


Scales red, drybrush white/yellow on top

Drybrush yellow on top



Green. Drybrush turquoise

Silver. Purple




Red. Dark red

Dark red

Black. White lava base. Blue bag. Purple highlight  



Stones highlight


Green again

Shoes. Green again

Eyes. Teeth

Orange lava. Orange and yellow highlight



Finished. Poor photo though! 

Hmm, so maybe there's a couple of these are out of painting order, but you get the idea! I've not photoed the same one throughout, which is a bit of a shame, but ho well... They could be neater as always, but overall I'm very happy with them. Most especially with the faded spike.
I think they look very good together.

Here's their group shot:

And their timestamp. Although I did manage to paint 9(!) more than I photo'd.
Maybe next week I might paint another warrior command so that I can split this unit in to one unit of 12, and one unit of 16...

And a quick pic of the command on their own, as befitting their rank:

Music maestro!
I liked painting the bull trumpet, but I didn't get on with the guys face. I might well add shields to the front rack (I think if I added them to everyone, they wouldn't rank up).

Do you have a flaaag?
He came together pretty well. I like his nose and snaggletooth.

Leaders gonna lead.
Green sword for that magical poison yo.
I was disappointed with how his beard came out - too heavy a drybrush. If I was to do it again, I'd brush the highlights on individually. However, he is finished.

Finally finished the Bull Centaurs with these two additions:

And here's the full herd in all their terrible glory!

I finally got round to adding shields to the centaurs. I started off painting a lava type thing on the red background, and then found the stash of decals I had luckily (super cheaply!) purchased from eBay a year ago. Out of all of them, I pumped for the one closest resembling a bull.
In hindsight I'd change my mind and go for maybe a blue background with a plain skull.
Nevermind - they are "finished, not perfect", and I've used the plain skull now for the regular troops.


The best advice I ever came across. Many thanks to the Oldhammer facebook community for posting about this, many years ago. I'm sorry, but I've forgotten the OP's name, but I'm sure it's been shared around long before I saw it :)

Last time I signed off with a wind reference...
The winds have blown right indeed.
Flying in on the Winds of Magic comes this fresh Chaos Dwarf Sorcerer on a terrifying Lamassu. Behold!

Here's a WIP pic I took midway which shows him off quite well :)

Here's his timestamp:

I love him!
I think the purple/red scheme worked out really well for the Lamassu.
I like the blue on the bobble on top of the Big Hat.
Both were painted really quite quickly, as the enthusiasm for them remained high during painting and I was able to do a longer sitting each time I set to.

If I were to change anything, I'd swap out his moustache ties for red ones (I also think I've left one out) , and I think that's about it! He's glued together using Gorilla two-part epoxy resin glue, and the head is pinned. The rider is pinned into the body like the Bull Taurus, but they're both not glued on as yet. Interchangeable yo, although to be honest, I'm not sure why I don't just glue them in. Ha!

As ever, the standards for everything were printed off here: linky

This brings my March(ing) efforts to a close - not least because I feel the ground shaking!


To recap:

364... 24 x Chaos Dwarf Warriors (inc standard, musician and champion)
Chaos Dwarf Sorcerer on Lamassu
2 x Chaos Dwarf Bull Centaurs (one of which is a standard bearer)

February: link
200... 5 x Chaos Dwarf Bull Centaurs
Chaos Dwarf Hero on Great Bull Taurus

January: link
160... Chaos Dwarf General
75... Chaos Dwarf Death Rocket

Total points so far...  799


  1. These are great and beautiful colors! Why aren't you counting the points on the extras?

    1. I'll count them at the end. Essentially the extras are things I'd like to paint. I've not really planned for them, and as such they might not fit into the end army list etc. As long as I touch the 200 points, at the end of the month then in my mind it's all good!
      If the unit I'm painting (warriors in this case) takes me over the points - no worries, I'll count it. But if it's surplus then I'm all good; I'll tot them up at the end :)

  2. Just amazing the number of models you can paint within one month. Keep the good job!

    1. Ah, it's not strictly one month though :) In month one I only painted a few models, so I got started on these and picked away at them until now!

    2. I think March just saw the painting of the centaurs and all their shields, and the warrior command group...

  3. Very nice work! Looking forward to the next installment.

  4. This really shows how chaotic these little buggers can look with more colour. I think you deserve a lot of credit for pulling off such a riotous colour scheme to such good effect. (Big) Hats off to you sir.

  5. AMAZING!!! I am just blown away on what a fantastic job you have done with these models. They are truly pieces of art!

  6. Once again, your colors & blending/shading bring out the best in these figures!

  7. How do you paint so much in one month with so much detail and go such a standard? Fantastic work!

  8. Thank you everyone for your very kind words! It is very motivating, cheers!


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