Sunday, April 19, 2020

Tom's Chaos Dwarfs: month four Waaaaaaaaaaaaaggghhhh (192.5...points)

So... The third month. I had to take a break from painting my planned Chaos Dwarf blunderbusses. 

As it stands I have half painted four of them. FOUR OF THEM. 

I hate them for some reason! Anyway, what this does allow me to do is add some Oldhammer to my decidedly Middlehammer army.

After all, what's a Chaos Dwarf without a slave or ten?

These were, understandably, a bit of a 'last minute' decision for me. It's why the timestamps are different, and also part reason why there might not be a timestamp for some models as I'd get carried away with the painting mojo :)

Anyway. Greenskins!

Here's some goblins.
I think there's one Heartbreaker model in there too...

I've gone for the rusted weapons look...
Decals on the shields came from the 40k Ork transfer sheet. My freehand is terrible - even worse than a slightly misplaced or odd looking transfer. I was carried away with painting motivation, so that's why there's some paint on some of them already in the timestamp...


This guy is tiny 👇. Look at his massive head!

Who doesn't love a moustache (or indeed - as someone pointed out: a fish)?

Nice wolf ears on the hat there. (Maybe I should've painted them green!)

Probably went a bit too bright in his clothing - obviously requisitioned from a shtoopid halfling somewhere.

The tall guy!

The punk of the crew...

Another smol guy!

(Probably the only purple loincloth I've ever painted )

Iconically recognisable. Something about a goblinmaster or something....

I love these open mouth poses :) waaaaaaa...

...aaaaaaagggghhhh! I painted this one with some kind of monocle 😂

Like a ninja!

The standard bearer...

And last but by no means afraid*, the champion!

*citation needed

Here's a shot of all the bois.

67.5 points... 15 Goblins with champion, standard bearer and light armour

Next up: Orcses!
Another unit comprised of that sweet oldhammer lead :)

Here they are all lined up ready for some colours:

And also here's some I found whilst rummaging, looking for a standard bearer. They were packed away in amongst the later edition orcs. The date of the photo is April 17, but I guess as long as the timestamp is after Jan 1st, it's all good...

I started off with this model first as I like the open mouth. Looking at the photo the highlights around the mouth are awfully stark, but it's not that bad in real life.

(I've highlighted the orcs differently from the goblins, although I'm not sure that was the correct choice. I used a light flesh tone added to the base green, rather than a yellow. It's given them a very slight bluish tint.)

I like the all in one casts with a shield. Negates the constant gluing back on of separate ones.


The first sculpt of two...

And his twin...

This guy is menacing!

I really like the thicc blade aesthetic...

This guy is so  'ard he'll just pummel anyone to deff wiv 'is fists 👊
(I also used ad different shade, which is why he's a different colour. I got the Militarium Green mixed up with Ork Flesh)


Another tiger orc! Something something, Carole something Baskin

The second in command....

The GENERAL! Sometimes gotta lead them...

His fleshy shoulder...

And a Snotling to finish! Surly no self respecting orc would carry a trumpet or raggity-ass flag when they could be carrying more weapons...
This little fella just needed some gentle bending of his pose for him to fit right in. |He also shows a surprising amount of brains, as he's attatched the 'flag' to an actual weapon! :)
I wanted it to look like he was wearing leaves, but rather than different shades of summer/autumn it was quicker just to go with a different colour red to fit in with the unit. Maybe it's just a sleeve of some random 'discarded' scale armour or something.

And the group shot. I'm very pleased with them!

125 points....  12 Orcs with light armour including champion and musician (or standard 😂)
I've put the orc general as the units champion (33 points plus points for armour). The second in command is relegated to the rank and file.

Total points: 192.5
67.5 - goblins
125 - orcs

I signed off last month with a reference to the great Earthshaker Cannon sooooo.... Behold!

The Earthshaker was one of the first models I painted way back in January, but I only just got round to painting the crew. It's why the arrows on the cannon are block colour, rather than the fade into yellow that eventually prevailed!
The base is just a square of plasticard with a sqidge of milliput added on top for some texture.

I also made a base for the Death Rocket:

That's it for now. Hopefully the mojo for painting those pesky blunderbusses comes back quick. Ironically I am painting less now as before I would get up early and paint a little before work. Now I tend to just sit and look and rearrange and make tea and do anything else except paint...

I hope everyone is coping alright with the restrictions, wherever you are. 
I know for one that this OWAC army will forever be linked to Covid, and it'll be nice to have something to take away from the lockdown that is creative.

Stay safe yo, and catch y'all next month (I've a suspicion the greenskins will need keeping in line to stave off their animosity tests...)


April: 192.5 points
67.5...   15 Goblins inc Champ and Standard
125...    12 Orcs inc Champ and Musician

March: link
Sorcerer on Lamassu
Bull Centaurs

February: link
Bull Centaurs
Hero on Great Bull Taurus

January: link
Death Rocket

Intro: link


  1. Great work on the greenskins! Good luck getting your mojo back for the blunderbusses.

  2. Great work on these greenskin slaves. Herd them into the teeth of the enemy! Hashut! Hashut! Hashut!

  3. I love your goblins! Nice job!

  4. wow! this entry for this month has really blown me away! Some awesome minis and super paint jobs buddy :)

  5. Awesome combination of colours. Really like the old goblins with the more middlehammerish palette. The warmachines are also really cool.

    1. Cheers. I used to hate painting warmachines, but I've found the secret is to not think about it too much :) They've come out a lot better than I thought they would!

  6. Those Oldhammer Orcs and Goblins connect your iconic Big Hats back to the source - absolutely love them! :D

    1. Cheers! It feels a lot less cheeky now there's some actual oldhammer in the army! Some more oldhammer classics next month!


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