Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Tom's Chaos Dwarfs - month six: The Menagerie (515.5 points!)

What a grueling month.
There's so much I haven't painted, and so much I painted as a distraction from what needed doing!
Anyway, it's done now - the OWAC is finally complete! 

So, I've used this month to bolster and/or round out my existing units. 
First up, to replace the orc general in the orc unit: Orc Slambo :)

Next, to round out the stampede of bull centaurs to two ranks of four, this guy - who'll act as a champion:

The following chaos dwarf command guys are so that I can split my big unit of warriors into two, or give my blunderbuss unit some more models... I also painted up a plastic warrior to compete the warrior units rank.

At the same time, I painted another plastic warrior to send as tribute (I know previously I painted one, but I realised that if I sent that I'd be one short! Either way, I didn't include points for it then, so I do now).

An extra rank of four metal warriors as a bonus.

I finally, FINALLY, painted a unit of blunderbusses. Admittedly is a small unit, but I'm pleased it's done. I hated them.

A sorcerer appears! This time on foot :)

And to accompany the chaos dwarfs, this menagerie of slaved animals. Either goaded into battle by force or mind slaved by terrible majicks...

Terrorbirds! (Ral Partha - carnivorous bird)
These guys were a lucky find for me in my local game store, where a lady had donated her late husband's collection. 50p a model - proceeds to charity.

Chaotic Snek
From the same pike as the terrorbirds. This guy was going to be a unit filler for any of the units that fall short of a model...

Dread Unicorn!
Or maybe...dread foal, as he's a little small. Doesn't stop him from being all evil and dark though.

Owlbear! (Otherworld Miniatures LINK)
Or maybe... Parrotbear. I thought I needed something red to tie him into the army, but he's ended up looking tropical instead of topical. 😂

And recently released from the cage, a hungry basilisk. Ready to chomp up some delicious morsels. (Ral Partha)

A chaos ogre wanders in from the wastes:

And to lead them all:
Chaos Lord riding Bull Taurus (Reaper Krungbeast LINK)
As soon as I saw this, I could not not include it! I'm amazed I've never seen one in another Chaos Dwarf army. I drilled a hole into the Lord and added a wire pole with a skull on top for a banner pole. The banner is one of Malorndk's own, in tribute to his/her excellent work. LINK. Many thanks!


I'm naturally a little disappointed with not painting what I had originally set out to paint, especially with the lockdown providing ample time. I probably spent more time sat looking at the painting queue than actually painting! Especially this month.
But, on the other hand, I have painted up the majority of what I wanted and added the orc and goblin contingency, which was not planned for. 
My remaining painting for this army is a chunk of hobgoblin archers and some more blunderbusses, so hopefully that's very manageable. :)

Full, glorious, full frontal army shots and individual unit shots next month, along with army points list and maybe an extra painted model or two, if I don't collapse with relief that the challenge is complete!

Speaking of points, here's a roundup of this month:

7.5 - 1 x Orc wearing light armour
40 - 1 x Bull Centaur
140 - 8 x Chaos Dwarf Warriors (including champ, standard and musician)
140 - 10 x Chaos Dwarf Blunderbusses
2 x Terrorbirds
1 x Chaotic Snek
1 x Dread Unicorn
1 x Owlbear
1 x Basilisk
1 x Chaos Ogre
59 - 1 x Chaos Dwarf Sorcerer
104 - 1 x Chaos Dwarf Lord riding Krungbeast (I've not counted points for the 'beast)
25 - 1 x Tribute to the Overlord

Total points: 515.5
Most usually I'd count anything over 200 points as an extra, but this month is the last month: so it all counts!

And then the monthly links:

May: link

April: link
Orcs and Goblins

March: link

February: link
Bull Centaurs

January: link

Intro post: link

Many thanks for the encouraging words in the comments - they've kept me motivated to paint little extras and just to keep ploughing on!
Hopefully see you all for next months army shots (there's a flipping load I'm looking forward to seeing from this year's OWAC!)



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. That's half a OWAC done in a single month, and every piece amazing to boot!

    1. Thank you. Half an OWAC maybe, but nowhere near a legal half :)
      I'm just glad to have finished the 6 months!

  3. I love these, especially the sorcerer and the Terror birds. And your bases are wonderful! Why did I not notice them before? Great finish!

    1. Thank you! The terrorbirds and the jabberwocks from last month are stand out for me too :)

  4. WOW!!! That's great work. Terror birds are so cool. The bases add a unity throughout.

    1. Cheers! I'm kinda gutted the bases aren't more simple, but hopefully all together they'll look, at least unique :)

  5. Great work! General on the bull is magnificent.

    1. Nice one, cheers. I found him a daunting model to do, but he painted up ok as soon as I plunged up the gumption to put a bit of paint on :)

  6. Wow! What an eclectic but also productive month. Filling out/giving more options to existing units makes the army more playable, not just gorgeous, so you get bonus points for that in my book - and the menagerie is just marvelous! Brilliant stuff! :D

    1. Thank you!! Just a few more random models left - but I guess that's the same for every army ever collected!

  7. OMG! How do you manage to paint so much and to such a high standard in a month? Such a vibrant army and it just looks viscious 😆

    1. Thanks for the kind words. Honestly it feels like a compromise between time and quality every single model! I think the volume had a lot to do with having the safety net of high point models - There's not a HUGE amount of pressure on, so I feel it's more enjoyable and manageable when I sir sit down and paint

  8. Nice entries, once again. I didn't know the bull miniature, I need to get one now :)

  9. That's a lot of painting! Really like all your addons! It seems the chaos dwarves brought their whole zoo to battle.

  10. Orc Slambo! Awesome. Great collection of beasts to finish off the challenge!


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