Monday, February 1, 2021

PaulM's Hollow Lords - 10 Chaos Marauders (390pts)

Rank and File #1

Well, the end of month one draws near, and I'm pleased to have not fallen to the grasping hands of The Pit of Bones (yet). 

Like many others I've chosen to concentrate on getting a block of my core troops out of the way first. Unlike quite a few others, I've only managed the bare minimum (and there's a distinct lack of literary overtones too whilst we're at it).

This month's minor success is the completion (almost, though I'll come on to that) of 10 Chaos Marauders. Though they are ostensibly followers of Grandfather Nurgle; I wanted to try something a bit different and go for a rusted, blackened armour look rather trad green. My reasoning being twofold: Firstly, I imagine them as being fallen Knights of the Blazing Sun whose armour is shown as being either painted black or alchemically blued; and Secondly, because these will see most of their use in 6th (quiet at the back) edition as undecided (as 50pts for them to cause Fear isn't really worth it in my opinion). 

I can't do pictures. This is the least bad. Full Insta. 

I painted the black armour using a base of Vallejo Gunmetal, then painting over Citadel's black Contrast paint. I then went in with various rusty/dirty browns and some weathering powders before applying some gunmetal highlights. For the flesh I wanted something pallid to contrast with the black. I also wanted it to be consistent across the unit; both for ease of painting and because I imagined that regardless of whether Papa N had granted you a Cthulhu head, or a slug body, it was still made of normal human flesh. It just seemed creepier to me. This was done with Rakharth Flesh with progressively more white added for highlights before various red/purple/brown glazes were applied. I'll probably use a slightly more grey version on my beastmen to tie the army together. 

What's missing are shields. I had a bag of them somewhere and they appear to have grown legs and wandered off to places unknown. Though, given what I gigantic pain in the arse these guys are to rank up, I'm not sure I can handle shields getting in the way as well. Though I'll endeavour to look for them. 

Thanks for looking in. As in my last post; if anyone has a Beastman Gor command group they'd be willing to part with I'm still interested. 


  1. Oh, I like those, well done sir, suitably dark and slimey indeed.

  2. They have loads of personnality, proper nurgle followers!

  3. oh, nice! If you get better pics, post them please!

    1. Thanks Lisanne. I'll try. I have a model making acquaintance who's the editor of AFV Modeller. I'd spoken to him in the past about him taking some pictures of my Sci-Fi models but might ask (COVID willing) if he'd be able to take some complete army shots for me at the end of the project using their studio set-up.

  4. Great conversions, with a real dark, pestilent colour scheme!

    1. Thanks Graeme, though there is actually only a single conversion there. Top-right slug-warrior has a plastic flail head on what was previously a pick as I broke the bead off it when cleaning it. Excluding the '88 model citadel figure, all these are from Ral Partha.

  5. Cracking work Paul and nice to see those Ral Partha warriors painted up. Love the idea of fallen Knights of the Blazing Sun - I'm all for a bit of story telling through a good paint job. I've been experimenting with weathering powder on my basing but have yet to take the plunge and apply to any minis - how have you found working with it?

  6. I really like the dark armour and pallid skin contrast.

  7. Nice bunch of chaotic grunts. Love the squid face.


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