Monday, June 28, 2021

Tom's June Bad Moon Orks (61points)

Rank and File month 4

Oueff! The last month of painting - and not a moment too soon! Real life is hectic, motivation has waned and the grind on these last few models is very real indeed... This month is the first time I've had to lean on the rules and submit 10 models rather than 200points.

Here's a pic of this months models (For the first pic = the post banner pic)

I had such great plans for this month; I really wanted to finish off some models that I put a bit of paint on throughout this challenge, but not completed. Another dread and a buggy for one. 

There's a load of boys to paint also, and I hope to paint at least another 10, hopefully (realistically) sometime before Christmas. Bikers and wartraks and buggies and big gunz will have to wait a little longer.

Anyhow - on to the models I have actually painted:

Runts for the Runtherds!

Sorry for the blurry pics, I blame the new phone... Anyhow, I enjoyed painting these fellas up. They're smol, but simple - I like them :)

I painted the banners moon as slightly worried. Kinda apt...

This guy 👇 has some freebooting aspirations...


A snakebite sculpt in freebooting colours. I liked painting this guy - he's responsible for me getting my painting mojo back (just knuckling down and a few 10min sessions over a couple of mornings, and then awaaaay!)
Here's the runtherd that runs the squig catapult and crew. Surprisingly I've painted him not in stripes. Half of this was for motivations. I just wanted some easy colour choices, and that deep blueblack was an easy choice to make.

These runtherds also love their squigs, so here's a couple to keep them company. These are also good motivation boosters as one can go from undercoated to finished in an evening, with maybe a bit of paint on something else at the same time.

Crew for the big guns. These guys, because I HAD to paint them ,  sucked the life out of me. I was relieved to get them done, and to be fair once I started on them  they painted up quickly. Just that initial push was a proper sticking point.

Standard bearer for da ladz. Well, he can be a stand in army standard bearer if I need one - and what's more, I don't need to actually paint a banner. Win!

And to finish off the freebooter mob (for the purpose of the OWAC - I've still like 7 more to do!) these guys:

Holy moley, look at the size of this guy! He must be particularly shtoopid to not be the top dog though. Either way, his martial prowess has garnered him some serious firepower.

I also painted a banner for the dreadnaught from last month :)  It's super simple, but at least it's done.

Well, that kinda wraps it up - sorry no extras, but as a bonus here's a cracking group shot of all the runtherds. I really like them and I'm super proud of them! I believe I might have one more to paint, and then that's all the runtherds accounted for... Some of the squigs I had painted before the challenge, and I include them in this pic for artistic licence.
Fingers crossed I'll have some proper decent photos of da lads, with some proper lighting and focus for the round-up and army shots next month.


(Proposed army list)

(Rank and file month 1)

(Rank and file month 2)

(Rank and file month 3)

(Leader month)

(Wildcard month)

(Rank and file month 4)
12...Ork boy
24...Freebooters x2
25...Grots x5
Runtherds x2 - free
Squigs x2 - free
Grot Crew x2 - free

TOTAL: 61 points, which should put me in at around 1300 points for the whole army! |YAY| 


  1. Outstanding work, Tom! This whole army has been an inspiration.

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you! Only thing is that I've now gotta model some scenery to pop them on :)

  3. Still awesome work! Looking forward to seeing them all together (and the squad challenge figs too!)

    1. That applies to all the OWAC army shots this year I reckon. It's been a cracking challenge! Everyone's done really flipping well :)

  4. wow this is what I call finishing in beauty !! they are just perfect. I love the dreadnought.

    1. Thank you! I'm so pleased with the dread too - the thought out painting another one down the line sucks the life out of me 😂

  5. Nice force of greenies! Love the banners, especially the one on the dreadnaught.

  6. Awesome update as always. Love that tall guy, the skin in the rutherd and you superb squig collection!

    1. Ah, that's very kind of you to say - cheers! I'm pleased with those models you mention too - like orcs said bettor (and I'll say again), when I look back on previous work, it all feels like luck how the paint goes on!

  7. The grind was certainly worth it - your army is possibly the prettiest bunch of Orks I've seen. Think I'm turning green myself (with envy) at all those squigs and runts! I particularly like the Squig Catapult guy and his blue beard - lovely. It's all a big win and they're going to look amazing all together!

    1. Legend - thank you!
      Hopefully they're getting their group shots tomorrow - I'm looking forward to arranging them in different formations for hours 😂 It's the best part!

  8. Amazing work as always. Really inspirational stuff.

    1. Thank you sir! I think soon I'll switch up and emulate some rust to which your figures have inspired!

  9. Your Orks have been awesome to watch each and every month. Can't wait to see them all together!

    1. Ah, nice one - thank you!
      Fingers crossed I'll have some proper pics ready by the end of this weekend, so I'm feeling pretty excited too!

  10. They have got to be the brightest and most flamboyant bunch of freebooterz I have ever seen. Lovely painting as ever.

    1. Yes! Thank you - mission accomplished! After setting out to try to paint a lot brighter, this is an awesome comment, thank you!


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