Saturday, August 6, 2022

Nathan’s genestealer cult army (1310 points)

 Well I made it to the end. I thought an army shot whilst wearing a Ren and Stimpy T-Shirt might be appropriate given the figures and the character on the shirt (Powdered Toats Man) both date from the early 1990’s. 

So now to the long awaited (more like longtime coming I suspect) army points value. The genestealer cult army list in White Dwarf 116 is somewhat odd as it is a mix of the type of army lists you got in the original rogue trader rulebook in that you got a certain number of dice rolls per points spend plus some units that you buy using the more familiar system of a certain number of points got you a certain number of troops. So what I bought was:

2 genestealer covens at 300 points each which got you:

    - 1 patriarch and 1 magus per coven (ie two of each all up); 

    - D6 purestrains per coven (I painted up 5 for each coven for a total of 10); and

    - D6 hybrids per coven (I painted up 6 per coven plus two spares for a total of 14 figures!)

As you can see if I followed the list closely by rolling dice for 4 of the units I could have had a minimum of 8 figures or a maximum of 28 figures! As it turns out I painted 28 figures including the two I didn’t really need. I then bought the non-coven troops which are:

    - 1 rogue pysker for 40 points (for can get up to D6 psykers)

    - 1 brood brother band of 6 humans for 40 points (you can get any number of these)

    - 1 beastman band of 6 beastmen for 30 points (again you can get unlimited numbers of these and I painted three extra figures which has me close to another unit)

    - up to D6 summoned daemons for which I painted 6 daemonettes at 100 points a figure (600 total)

All up that totals 1310 points and 46 figures. Not too shabby I guess. Also for those that don’t have white dwarf 116 here are some pics of the cult list:

Last but not least - a massive thanks to Iannick for running the challenge again. I have to get the dark elf I painted off to you in the mail still - I’ve added a spare hobgoblin too which is painted like the hobgoblin force I did a few years back for the OWAC


  1. Genestealer cult is so good! I love your army- another one I should get around to painting!

  2. I've always liked Genestealers and Genestealer Cults in 40K, of all the terrors of the 41st millennium, they're the one that truly disturbs me. The body horror elements are extremely effective, but it's the *patience* to see their plans through that gets me the most. Your army is fantastic, there's so much diversity within each entry, and plenty of character to go around - great stuff.

    (Also, respect for your cabinet game, I have a couple of those myself, they're perfect)

  3. That was a fun project, great job! Also, yes, lovely cabinets!

  4. I always think Genestealers were diminished by being brought under the Tyranid umbrella, but you've captured them in their horrifying heyday. And made great use of the variety afforded by the list, too

  5. Lovely eclectic mix of models - I like the slannesh influence. It's something I never would have thought of! They look fantastic all arrayed up - congratulations!

  6. This makes sense at last! Great to see it all set out along with the army lists. I completely agree with Shadespyre's comment, you've captured something of the Rogue Trader era here that was lost in later editions.

    I also have cabinet envy! :D

  7. Really cool and sinister looking army. Very varied, but your painting unifies them nicely. The classic beastmen and the psyker are my favourite. Great job!


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