Thursday, May 16, 2024

Samuel’s Empire - Grand Army of Nuln - Rank & File III : Gunnery School Handgunners (185 pts)

This month I finished off the handgunners that I started before the unfortunate mulligan of last month. Even with the extra time though it was still a struggle due to crazy work schedule and unfortunate lingering effects of sickness. 

The scheme is the same as the previous gunnery school models so no changes there. Really very lovely sculpts. I especially like the champion and am really satisfied with how he came out. Over to the pics to do the rest of the talking:

Rank & File III (Apr): 

 - 17 x Handgunners : standard, musician = 152pts

 - Champion: handgun = 33pts

Next month I tackle the last of the Rank & File, but I get to explore new scheme as I move on to the Flagellants.


Peace out



  1. Great to see those finished and now proudly displaying their plumage

  2. Really nice bright colors for your empire. Your photos are top notch too. looking good.

  3. They look great! Nice bold colors.

  4. Amazing work, love that banner!

  5. Sweet jeebus, they look soooo good - so neat and bright!

  6. Nice work! Especially with the banner

  7. Another great unit! The banner looks super.


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